chapter 7

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chapter 7

(At school the next week )
JADE'S pov.

I've been at this school for about a week now. Thankfully i've made some friends.

Carter and Jessie. They are the ones who have been there since I started here. The second day of course. They already even know my parents. In fact, they're coming over tonight. The three of us have AP Calculus and advanced psychology together.

Our psych teacher gave us a group project to do so we decided to go to my house tonight, Jessie's house tomorrow, Carter's house on Thursday, and then the whole presentation in on Friday. Currently, we are walking out of out psych class and heading out to lunch. Our school accepted us to be able to have out of school lunch's then come back before that short period ends. Surprisingly this town has a massive area to go shopping for clothes and food. Today we're going to Starbucks cause we all decided that we aren't that hungry and we can get something to eat on our way to my place.

      Next to the Starbucks we're in, there's a Subway. I look through the window that is separating both of the shops and see that boy that gave me the tour of the school last week. Mason, his name was. He was sitting with his two friends Eli and Hunter. I know it sounds creepy that I know there name but that's just because I have some classes with them. Hunter likes to joke a lot in class while Eli is the complete opposite. I've never really talk to Hunter but I do talk a little bit with Eli. He's really nice. They are both equally attractive but the real eye catcher is the boy in the middle facing me. Mason. Too bad he always looks uncomfortable when i'm around. We haven't talked since the day he gave me the tour, it's not like we're aren't aloud to talk or anything but I think he tries to avoid me. I still do know what I did to him. After staring for an embarrassing amount of time I finally hear Carter and Jessie trying to get my attention.

"You spaced out for a second, are you okay?" Jessie asked.

"Yes i'm fine I was just thinking" I responded.

"OOO, what were you thinking about, spill" Jessie added.

"Oh I know what she was thinking about, look at the direction she was looking at" Carter said.

"Ohh I see, Jade here has a little crush. On which one? Is it Hunter, Mason, or maybe gasp Eli?! Eli is so hot." Jessie ranted.

"First of all, no I don't have a crush, Second of all, did you really just say 'gasp'? And can you stop looking at them there going to notice and think we're weird" I said laughing.

"I think it's a little too late for that" Carter added.

"What do you mea-" I look over at them and they are looking at us. "Oh crap, look at what you guys did. They probably think we're freaks now" I said while trying not to freak out.

      I look over at the guys and they all have different expressions on their faces. Mason looks mad, Hunter looks amused, and Eli is smiling and waving which makes Jessie fawn.

      "Hey you should invite them over to work with us on the project" Jessie said. It made sense because we all have advanced psychology together but i'd get too nervous to ask, and apart from that I'm not aloud to have any boys over at my house anymore.

"I'm not aloud to have any boys over at my house, because the last time I did he got hungry and ate EVERYTHING. He ate raw pasta sticks! That's why I can't have any boys over" I exclaimed. And I wasn't lying at all. Every last detail in that story was true. But I would be surprised if they didn't believe me. It's a true story but also an excuse.

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