Chapter 9 A Date and a Kiss

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It's been 5 months since I've become a human again. I became a lot closer to Jacob, we hang out at least twice a week every week. He probably is my best friend we'll besides for Alice. He's nice,funny, caring and I know that I can trust him with anything. Me and Edward got a lot closer too but were still just friends. It is hard though for him to be around me because of my scent.

Although today Alice said something very exciting was going to happen. She just won't tell me what it is. So she gets to know were her fancy visions and I just have to wait. Then Edward gets to read minds although for some reason he can't read my mind. He can read everybody's mind but mine, it's so weird. Jasper can control emotions. And over the years Carlisle has developed super self control. Anyway I guess I'll just have to see what it is. I don't think it will be that exciting but Alice says I'll be happy so we'll see.

"Hi Bella" Edward says as I sit down for my seat in biology. "Hi Edward" I said. "Onions roots and cells is what were going to be talking about today class." "So you will be working with your parter next to you. Try to be the first team to finish and solve all the problems" said the teacher. "You can!!" The teacher said. So me and Edward started.

"Bella" Edward said. "Yes Edward" I replied. "I was wondering if you would help me study for my Algebra test" he said. We'll I wasn't expecting that. "What like a study date" I asked. "Just say date it's sounds a lot better than study date" "Study date just sounds boring" he replied. "Ok so your asking me on a stud....a date" I asked. "Yes if you'd like" Edward said with a smile. "Sure" my house or yours" I asked. He looked surprised that I said yes but played it cool. "Mine" he said. "Great" I said. "Then it's a date" he said and laughed. "It's a date" I said and we were both in our own world laughing. It felt like at that moment we were the only people on the earth. And I liked it that way.

After bio I ran up to Alice and said "You won't believe what just happened!!" "Actually I will cuz I've sorta already seen it" she said. "Oh yeah what is it" I half screamed challenging her. "Oh I don't know maybe your just happy or maybe it's the fact that Edward Cullen just asked you on a date" Alice said. "How'd you know" I said sarcastically. We both laughed. "Congrats Bella, I hope you enjoy your date" Alice said.

Me and Alice sat by ourselves today at lunch so we could talk about my date. "Do you think he will ever kiss me" I asked Alice. As soon as I said it her face dropped. "I don't even understand kissing anymore." "Me and Jasper have been dating for 5 months." 5 months Bella." "And he still hasn't kissed me." "I'm so sorry Alice,I shouldn't have even said anything about it" I said. "It's ok you didn't know and it's not your fault so..." Alice said. "Then after school do something about it catch him before you head to the car and say something about it" I said. "You really think I could do that Bella" she asked. "Yes" I said very confidently. "Ok I'll try" she said.

As soon as the bell rang I went to find Alice. "I can't find him" Alice said. "One time in my, I can't find him." I laughed. "Bella" she said. "Ok, ok let's find him" I said. A minute after that, I saw him. "Alice he's right there" I said pointing to Jasper. "Jasper!" she called loudly. It had started raining and I was freezing cold but I knew I had to be there for Alice.

"Alice are you alright,please tell me your alright" Jasper said worryingly. "I'm fine Jasper I just wanted to ask you something" Alice said. "Ok what is it" he asked. "I think we should take our releshionship to the next level" Alice said. "Alice I don't know what..." Jasper started but Alice cut him off. "I knew it, I just didn't want my self to believe it" Alice said. "Believe what,Alice what's wrong" Jasper asked. "You don't like me anyone do you" Alice screamed. She looked like she would be crying if vampire's could cry. Although when vampire'a are heart broken enough they can cry. "Alice I'm sorry I don't like you anymore but" Jasper started but Alice cut him off. "No but's Jasper Hale" Alice begin. Wow, she used his full name. No one ever used his full name unless he was in big trouble.

"All I came over here to do was ask you why you've never kissed me and look how it ended up" "We broke up" Alice said. "I never said we broke" Jasper started but Alice cut him off again. "Yeah, but I just did" Alice said. She started walking back towards me when Jasper said "I don't like you any more because I feel more than just that for you Alice." "I love you." He said the words he loves her. Alice froze right where she was as soon as he said it and slowly turned towards him. " love me" she asked. "With all my heart and Alice I would love to kiss you" Jasper said happily.

Alice couldn't hide her smile very we'll but it didn't matter cuz neither could he. "Come here Alice" Jasper said. She walked toward him slowly at first but then got faster and faster until she was directly in front of him. He pulled her into a tight hug. At first it looked like he was just going to hug her but then out of nowhere they were in a tight inbrase. They both looked so perfect together. I mean even the way they fit together. I know for a fact that Rosalie and Emmet have kissed and now Alice and Jasper have kissed. And after school me and Edward are having a date. This really is turning out as the best day ever!!

Alice POV:

I was so heart broken as I started walking away from Jasper but then he said it,the only thing that would have made me turn around. He said I love you. I turned around slowly to look at him and I knew he was serous. " love me I asked. "With all my heart and I would love to kiss you Alice" he said. I really couldn't hide my smile now I was so happy. I couldn't believe someone had really told me they love me. "Come here Alice" he said. So I walked toward him slowly but as I kept walking all could think was I need to get there faster so I walked faster and faster til I was directly in front of him.

He pulled me into a very tight hug. It felt like he needed the support or something like he just lost his life and now I was giving back to him. Then all the sudden he pulled my mouth towards his lips and he was kissing me or I was kissing him. I don't know but I really didn't care. I cared about nothing else in the world when I was with Jasper like this. His cold lips felt just right against mine. I could feel everything he was feeling just by his lips. I could also feel the longingness that he'd been waiting along time to do this and now that he has all he wanted was more. It just felt so right in that moment. I knew Jasper wanted to continue and don't me wrong so did I believe me I did. But I remembered I had to go help Bella with her date.

I slowly pulled away and he tried to pull me towards him for more but I wouldn't let him. "Jasper I have to go help Bella with her date" I said. "Who does Bella have a date with he asked we'll he pulled my lips to his again. "Edward" I said through kisses. "We'll good for her,maybe I can help Edward get ready to" Jasper said. "Yeah, you should do that,make sure he's romantic with her" I said. "Ok" he said "I better go then." "Yeah me too" I said pulling away to look at him. Some how his shirt wasn't on anymore. Oops I must have done that. "We'll I'll see you later then Jasper" I said. "Ok" he said pulling me in for one last kiss before we parted. Then I walked back to Bella. I couldn't wait to see what she was gonna say.

"OMG Alice do you know what you just did." "You just kissed me brother!" I yelled at her as loud as I could. "Yep she did" I heard Jasper yell. Alice and me both laughed. "Technically he's your adopted brother and he's not even that anymore" Alice said. "True very true" I said. I was just so happy for her and I know she was happy too!! She couldn't stop smiling. I was so happy for her. "Alright now let's get to your house and go get you ready." "Sounds great I agreed."

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