Chapter 12 The New Couple

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"Ever since I met you I knew I found my soulmate" Edward said. And I just got pulled back onto the ground instead of getting pushed off the cliff. "Bella I'm in love with you" "And I know I'm putting a lot on you right now do I'll give you some time to answer" "Its just that I couldn't keep it from you any longer I just had to tell you" he finally finished. I had been holding my breath this whole time so the first thing I did was take a breath. I didn't know what to say so I said the only thing I could think to say. "I love you to Edward" I said.

He smiled and said "really" "You truly do love me Bella" he asked. "Yes I really truly do love you Edward" I said half laughing. He took a breath and said "Will you be my girlfriend Bella" he asked all nervous again. "Yes" I said happily. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you" he said romantically. He started leaning towards me to kiss me. We were almost kissing when the door flew open and Alice and Jasper were standing there.

Alice POV:

Me and Jasper were doing our own thing when all the sudden I got a vision of Bella and Edward kissing. I was so excited I jumped off the bed and we'll since me were on the edge of the bed,he fell off face first to the ground smashing his face against it. I laughed. "We'll that hurt" Jasper said. "They kissed Jasper they kissed,I saw it" "Come on let's go congratulate them" I said. So he puts his shirt back on and we head to Edward's room.

As soon as I opened the door I felt bad. Their about to kiss,their only 1 inch apart but they pull away because of us. "I'm sorry did I interrupt something important" I asked sarcastically. Bella tried to throw another pillow at me but of course it missed me and hit Jasper in the face again. "2 in a row Bella" Jasper said. "We'll I was going to come congratulate you guys but I guess I'll do that later" I said. Edward looked embarrassed and furious at the same time. "Can I talk to you right now Alice" Edward said angrily. Oh great I'm going to die now I thought as he pulled me out of the room.

Edward POV:

I can't believe Alice just walked in on one of the moments I've been waiting for all my life. "Alice Mary Brandon Cullen" I yelled. She looked scared and she sure should be. "Edward I'm so" she started but I interrupted. "Alice ever since I met Bella I wanted to kiss her I said."Edward." "NOOOO don't get it......IM IN LOVE WITH HER! I screamed. I knew Bella was probably listening but I really didn't care at this point. I really was furious. "And now.....I probably ruined my only chance" I said quietly. "Oh Edward I knew you liked her but I never imagined you would be this in love with her already" "I really can't tell you how sorry I am" she said. I knew she was sorry and I wasn't mad at her anymore I was mad at myself. I'll probably never get Bella and it's all my fault.

Jasper POV:

As soon as Edward shut the door behind him and Alice Bella fell to the ground and started crying. I was her brother for a while so as soon as she fell I went to comfert her. "It's going to be ok Bella, shhh calm down,calm down" I said. I picked her up and cradled her. " he's..nev....never going" Bella said. I could hear Edward yelling at Alice in the other room. I wanted to go help Alice but I knew I had to stay with Bella. "That's not true Bella as soon as he comes back he'll kiss you trust me" I said. "Jasper....I can.....can't stop....crying" Bella said. "Alright Bella I'm gonna stand you up know ok" I asked. She nodded. Just then Edward and Alice came into the room and I walked out quickly with Alice.

Edward POV:

As soon as I walked in Jasper left and then I saw Bella crying. I just couldn't help myself,I went over and hugged Bella as fast as I could. I hugged her tightly because I knew she needed the support and so did I."Bella, I'm so sorry I don't mean for everything to go that way, I turned the whole thing into a disaster" I said. "No Edward you didn't, if it was anyone it was me" she said. "No Bella it was not you at all, you did nothing" I said squeezing her tighter. "We'll it wasn't you either" she said. "I guess it was neither of us then" I said.

"Edward I'm sorry too she started but I couldn't stand it anymore I kissed her. Her arms went around my neck instantly and my hips tightened around her waist. She was so beautiful, I just can't believe I was actually kissing her. How could a guy like me get a girl like her. She pulled my shirt off gently at first but then got more aggressive. I don't really know how but we ended up on the bed. I could feel the longingness for wanting to kiss me just by her lips. It was so hard though I was starting to loose control and I can't loose control with her or I could kill her.

Bella POV:

I still couldn't believe me and Edward were kissing right now it was the most incredible feeling in the world. He was so aggressive and he had the same longingness I had. When all the sudden he started going less hard hard and tried to control himself. I got worried maybe I was hurting him to much,I was about to pull away when he pushed a little harder against my lips. He was so strong and beautiful and his cold lips against mine felt just right. Like we were made for each other which I was starting to think is true. Eventually he pulled away.

"Bella I'm sorry it's just hard to control my self when I'm around you I should have stopped way sooner then that I just wanted to make that one kiss special" he said. "We'll you accomplished that goal" I said pressing my lips to his one last time. "All we will ever be able to Bella is kiss very gently and soft ok because I don't want to hurt you" he said as he put his shirt back on. "Ok" I said sadly. With that we head down stairs hand in hand to tell them the good news.

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