Chapter 2: A Fair Warning

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"I'll be back at eight", Nathan whispered and leaned in for a kiss, "I'm going to order dinner at the fancy restaurant we've been to last weekend. Deal?"

"Deal!", I agreed smirkingly and buried my fingers in his black hair as he softly placed his lips on mine.

I grabbed his tie and carefully pulled him closer towards me. His scent was irresistible and I didn't want him to leave. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

"I'll help you to sleep again tonight", he mumbled seductively, "But for now, I have to go to work..."

"Mhm, I can't wait for you to come back", I whispered and kissed him again.

He smirked at me and his eyes crinkled. Then he gently kissed my forehead and left.

I watched him as he entered his car, a silver Audi R8, and started the engine. He waved at me one last time before he drove off and I closed the door behind me.


Warm water poured down my head as I showered. Every time I was in a bad mood I needed a hot shower. This was the only place I could calm down and let go of everything else. And since my nightmares have started I needed more time to relax.

I cut off the water faucet, put on the silken bathing gown and dried my hair with a towel.

Then I walked across the house, searching for something to eat in the kitchen. I decided to have some frozen yoghurt for breakfast and some cacao.

Suddenly, a strange feeling of not being alone overwhelmed me.

Damn paranoia!

Nervously, I looked around.

"Nathan?", I asked anxiously, "Nathan, that's not funny...!"

"What a pity! I always thought humor was my strongest suit", a deep male voice answered.

I turned around and dropped my breakfast. His piercing blue eyes stared at me intensely.

"Hello gorgeous", he greeted and crossed his legs, "It's been a long time..."

"Raymond", I whispered scarcely audible, my heart pounding like mad.

I'd recognize him within thousands of people although I haven't seen him since twenty five years.

He was wearing a black three- piece suit and a fedora. His cold blue eyes examined me closely.

"What are you doing here?", I wanted to know as I found my voice again.

"You've grown up", he mumbled and never stopped looking at me.

"The last time you've seen me I was four years old", I countered and crossed my arms, "Yes, I hope I've grown up in the meantime."

He started to laugh.

"What do you want from me, dad?", I repeated seriously.

"You're in danger", he answered immediately, "I'm going to protect you."

"I am in danger because you are here! Why can't you just leave me alone? I'm perfectly fine with that! And I certainly don't need you to protect me!"

"Listen, Elena! I know you're mad at me..."

"Mad?!", I interrupted him an raised my voice, "You think I'm mad at you?! Do you know what you did to me when you left us? You don't have a clue who I am!"

"I never stopped caring for you", he retorted in defense, "I've always been there for you. Maybe not the way you wanted but..."

"I was six years old when mum killed herself right in front of me!", I shouted at him, "That's what I'm blaming you for! You left her with a broken heart and she never got over you..."

My eyes filled with tears.

"I don't need you and moreover I don't want you in my life!"

I had to be strong now. I was not going to cry in front of him.

"And still, you're in danger", he continued, "Some bad men are coming after you."

What the hell did he talk about?

"Why should they?", I wanted to know, "Why should anyone come after me? I didn't do anything..."

"It's not because of you", he countered in a serious tone, "It's because of your husband."

Immediately, I started to laugh.

"Because of Nathan?", I repeated in disbelief.

"Be aware", he warned me and got up, "He's not the one he pretends to be..."

Nathan was not the one he pretended to be? What did he mean?

"You better stay away from him, Elena", he repeated seriously, "Take this as a fair warning!"

Then he left through the door.

I wanted to go after him, ask him what he was talking about, ask him what was wrong with him to accuse Nathan of betraying me.

But I couldn't move.

I was in shock.

Lie To Me [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic/ The Blacklist AU]Where stories live. Discover now