Chapter 3: True or False?

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"Elena?", I heard his soft voice as he entered the house, "I'm back home!"

But I didn't answer. I just stared at the wall. I couldn't move.

For twenty five years my father never showed up in my life. Not even when I got married! And suddenly, he's back as if nothing ever happened, reproaching my husband of pretending to be someone else, moreover telling me some bad men were coming after me because of Nathan.

Did he really think I'd trust him any more? Well, he was terribly wrong!

"Elena?", Nathan asked again and entered the living room where I sat on the couch, "Here you are!"

He hugged me from behind, softly kissing my neck.

"Are you okay?", he wanted to know as I didn't react to his touch.

He walked around the couch and sat down right next to me, gently wrapping his arms around me so I could bury my head in his chest as my eyes filled my tears.

"What happened, honey?"

"My dad", I sobbed, "He was here.."

He gently caressed my hair, kissing me softly.

"John?", he asked in surprise.

I shook my head slightly.

"Not John", I corrected him quietly, "My real father!"

John Shepherd has been a good friend of my mother and adopted me soon after she committed suicide. All my life, he was like a father to me. He has always cared for me. He was there for me on my first day at school, my first day at college and most important, my wedding with Nathan. He was my dad. Raymond Reddington might be my biological father. But he never showed up in my life. He was no part of my world. And he'd certainly never be my dad.

"Raymond was here?", Nathan concluded curiously, "What did he want from you?"

Well, that was the question! He wanted me not to trust Nathan. He wanted me to doubt our life, to doubt our marriage. But why?

"I don't know", I lied instead.

I couldn't tell him. Impossible!

"Everything will be fine", he consoled me and stroked my back, "I'll protect you, Elena. You're safe with me."

And I trusted him. There was hardly any other person in this world I trusted as much as I trusted him. I could tell him everything. We could talk about everything without being afraid of the other one telling anyone else.

Maybe that was the secret of our relationship. Nathan was not just my husband. He was more. He was my best friend as well and even more important.

He had turned from the man that saved me from an inadvertent car accident to my caring husband.

Life was strange. One second, you almost get killed my a cab and during the next second, you meet the man of your dreams, your own Prince Charming, that saves you from death. But that's how life works.

And I was thankful for this. Yeah, I was thankful for almost getting hit by a car. Because without that little incident, my whole life would have been different.

"I love you", I whispered scarcely audible and softly placed my lips on his as I pulled his head towards mine firmly.

"I love you even more", he mumbled, kissing me back.

I trusted him!

Lie To Me [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic/ The Blacklist AU]Where stories live. Discover now