Chapter 11: Drawing Lines In The Sand

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I didn't really know how the woman managed to get rid of the car that has been following us for quiet some time but as the car finally stopped, I felt relief.

"We're going to stay the night", Raymond explained and exited the car.

Miss Shaw opened the door for me; it was already dark outside.

I looked at her for a second, her dark brown eyes examining me closely with that cold expression of hers.

"Why do you do that?", I asked quietly as she pushed me out of the car, "Why do you do that for him?"

She didn't answer my question and simply led me across the parking lot.

Then, I recognized we've been out of town, stopping by at a motel far away from everything I've ever been.

Miss Shaw pushed me upstairs into one of the rooms where he was already waiting for us, looking out of the window.

She coughed slightly and left again, closing the door behind to leave us alone.

"Please, make yourself comfortable", Raymond offered me, observing the periphery.

"No, thanks", I countered seriously and crossed my arms.

He turned around, cocking his head, a devilish smirk on his face.

"You don't trust me", he realized and hung up his coat, placing his fedora on the table, "That's clever."

I watched every move of him as he walked through the room.

"God, I miss the minibar", he chuckled, shaking his head, "All those impoverished small businessmen. I prefer staying in town at some palatial hotels..."

"We don't have to talk", I interrupted him, "I don't want to know anything about you."

His cold blue eyes examined me closely.

"Elena", he mumbled, his voice deep and smooth, "I care about you. But right now, you're in danger. For better or for worse, you'll have to stay with me."

He sat down at the table and crossed his legs. He seemed to be quite relaxed, knowing about the upcoming peril.

Nervously, I ran my fingers through my hair and sat down on the corner of the bed.

"The woman, Miss Shaw", I stuttered and looked at the door, then back to him, "Why does she help you?"

He stared at me for a while.

"Good night, Elena", he replied eventually and came closer until he paused right in front of me.

I quickly looked away, avoiding his intimidating gaze.

Then, he leaned over and softly kissed my forehead.

"Get some sleep", he whispered before he slowly drifted away.

*Nathan's P.O.V.*

"Where is she?", I wanted to know as I entered the surveillance room where the rest of my team was already waiting for me.

"We had some technical issues", Derek explained hesitantly.

I clenched my fists and hit the table.

"You say, we've lost her track?", I concluded angrily.

"Yes, currently", he agreed and nodded slightly, "But I'm working on that."

I sighed and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Nathan", I suddenly heard her bright voice behind me, "I'm sorry. It was my fault that..."

Immediately, I turned around and faced Emma.

"I told you to protect her", I repeated, "I told you to take care of her..."

"Nathan", Patrick suddenly interrupted us and gently touched my shoulder, "We could not have known..."

"But we should have", I insisted as my voice got shaky, "We should have..."

With those words, I left them behind, running my fingers through my hair as my eyes filled with tears.

I was afraid about her...

*Elena's P.O.V.*

I woke up, trying to catch my breath, beads of perspiration on my forehead.

Quickly, I got up, put on my jacket and went outside to sit down at the pool behind the building.

"I thought you'd come here", I heard his deep voice before he approached me.

I sighed and looked down at the water that was sparkling in the dimmed light of the moon.

"You're afraid, I know", he mumbled and looked up to the sky, "But I can tell you, as bad as you may think I am and as far as you assume I'm willing to go, I'll go much further to protect the ones I hold most dear. And anyone who's foolish enough to cross that line- well... They can't possibly fathom how deep that well of mine truly goes..."

Keeping back the upcoming tears in my eyes, I looked up to him, his blue eyes already regarding me closely.

"Everything in my life was a lie", I sobbed, "My marriage; Nathan-... I don't know who to trust..."

"You know the problem with drawing lines in the sand? With a breath of air, they disappear", he mumbled, faking a weak smile, "You can trust me, Elena."

I quickly wiped away the single tear that was streaming down my cheek. Then, hesitantly, I leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes as he protectively laid his arm around my shoulders, gently caressing my hair.

"They are not going to hurt you", he assured me.

"Who are they?", I wanted to know, feeling his warm breath on my skin.

"If only I knew", he admitted quietly, "If only I knew..."

Lie To Me [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic/ The Blacklist AU]Where stories live. Discover now