Chapter 8: Intruders

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*Elena's P.O.V.*

Earlier that day, I have recognized there was a lake with a little jetty behind the house. I grabbed the blanket on the couch, wrapped it around my shoulders and went outside. There was a soft and cold breeze but luckily I was covered in the warm blanket.

Under different circumstances, this little house deep in the woods with this beautiful lake would have been quite romantic. But right now...


I turned around and recognized the British guy walking towards me.

"Um, Patrick, right?"

He smiled at me.

"Right", he agreed smirkingly, "May I join you?"

"Sure", I replied and looked back at the lake.

"Nature out here is beautiful", he mumbled, regarding the water.

I looked up to him. He didn't seem to be a guy who used any kind of weapon. He seemed to be calm and considerate, not violent in any way.

"I know you're mad at Nathan", he said then, "And I certainly don't want to convince you of the opposite because you have every right to be mad at him."

I looked up to him, his bright blue eyes staring back at me intensely.

"He just wanted to save you", he added quietly.

"He lied to me", I mumbled, "Five years, every thing that happened to me was a lie. Non of this would have happened if I was not the one I am."

"I really understand your feelings", he agreed with me, "But everything he did, he did for you. Nathan just wants to protect you. Be mad at him for now, that's okay. But try to forgive him."

"Someday maybe", I replied and faked a smile.

"Someday", he repeated quietly and looked up to the sky, "That's a dangerous word. It's really just a code for never."


*Third person's P.O.V.*

The woman dressed in black and the man wearing a fedora on the backseat drove along the highway, heading to the house in the woods his old friend has talked about before they left him unconscious.

Raymond Reddington would have never killed John Shepherd. He was one of the few people in his life he regarded as friend. During their time at the FBI, John has saved his life several times and vice versa. But now they worked for two different parties what made their relationship quite difficult. Nevertheless, they still had the same weakness. Elena. Red knew exactly that his old friend would have done everything to keep her safe. He knew as much as Red himself that the men, that were now coming after her, were too cruel and certainly not going to be stopped by a few agents of the FBI. But he was. He wouldn't hesitate for a second to kill any of those men that were trying to hurt his daughter. And neither was the woman, Miss Shaw, who accompanied him since they've met on a mission in Europe. She was a former CIA special agent, trained to kill every possible threat. He saved her life as she got trapped by one of her targets back then because she reminded him of his own little girl. Since then, she was loyal to him. They had a solid working alliance. When he once asked her why she became the person she was she has told him that her parents were killed by assassins when she was younger. She never got over that incident and only gained salvation when they found the perpetrators two years ago when she was finally able to get her revenge. In the beginning, he still used to convince her of returning back to the normal life. But she didn't agree with him. She told him about her attempt when she tried to have a normal life by studying medicine and becoming a doctor. But her desire for revenge was too big. He still remembered what she used to tell him.

Once you cross over, there are things in the darkness that can keep your heart from every feeling the light again.

Wise words for a young woman like her, he thought.

"We're almost there", the woman in black said as they drove through the woods.

"Good", the man on the backseat replied and looked out of the window.

The sun was about to go down. He could recognize the last sunbeams shining through the tree crowns.

The dawn was coming. But he preferred the night anyway.


*Nathan's P.O.V.*

I watched Elena and Patrick outside. I really wanted to know what they were talking about. It drove me insane to see her hurt and not being able to console her. She probably wouldn't talk to me again but still I used to believe she was going to forgive me one day. Maybe Patrick was able to convince her with his British charm...

"Nathan!", I heard Derek shouting for me.

I turned around and entered the surveillance room where he observed the periphery.

"What's up?", I wanted to know and regarded the monitor closely.

"The cameras have detected some intruders from the south", he explained and showed me the video of a black SUV driving through the woods.

Suddenly, I recognized the man on the backseat who looked right into the camera, smirking devilishly.

"We're in trouble, right?", Derek assumed.

"Prepare yourself", I mumbled before I ran outside, "Elena, Patrick!"

Immediately, they turned around.

She was wrapped in a warm blanket, staring at me as her eyes filled with tears. Seeing her like this made my heart shatter into a million pieces and hurt more than everything I've ever experienced, including getting shot by a bullet in Miami a few years ago.

"Get inside! Quickly!", I shouted, "We're in trouble!"

I could never forgive myself if she got hurt.

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