Chapter 6: Into The Woods

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*Third Person's P.O.V.*

"Red?", the woman with a black ponytail, wearing some black pants and a black blouse, asked as she entered the room where the middle- aged man sat, smoking his cigar, "This might interest you..."

She turned on the TV and switched to the news.

"Today, there has been a tragic accident in L.A. where a young couple died in consequence of a gas leak", the news reporter said and some pictures of a burning house were shown, "The deaths of Elena and Nathan Stark have officially been confirmed by a speaker of the LAPD."

The woman turned off the TV again.

"Miss Shaw", the man replied in a serious tone, "We've got a lot of work to do."

"Yes, sir", the woman replied and loaded her gun, "Shall I?"

"I'm going to join you", he mumbled smirkingly, crushed his cigar and put on his fedora, "This will be fun."

She smirked back at him.


*Elena's P.O.V.*

"Here we are", Nathan announced and parked the car somewhere deep in the woods, "First of all, you should be safe here. My team's already waiting inside."

"I don't mind", I countered quietly and avoided looking at him.

"Elena, I know this has been a lot of information and although you might not see it right now but we're the good ones. We're trying to protect you", he wanted to explain as we walked to a little house behind the trees.

But actually, he could tell me everything and I wouldn't mind.

He just told me that our whole life has been a lie. He never even loved me at all.

How stupid have I been not to realize anything?

Nathan carefully knocked at the door.

After a few seconds, the door slowly opened and a young man looked at us.

"Nathan", the man said, his voice was calm, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed", Nathan replied and looked at me.

The other man nodded slightly and opened the door.

"Elena, that's Derek", he explained to me.

I regarded him closely.

He was taller than Nathan. His hair was something like chestnut brown and his dark green eyes examined me as well.

"Welcome to the lion cave", he greeted me and walked along the short floor, leading us to a bigger room where another man with dark brown hair and light blue eyes waited for us. He was wearing a white buttoned shirt and some dark blue suit pants. Actually, he was extremely good looking.

"I'm Patrick", he introduced himself politely with a British accent, reaching out for my hand, "Nice to finally meet you, milady!"

I smiled slightly and grabbed his hand as a young and quite beautiful woman with long red hair in some black pants and a white blouse joined our little group.

"Hello, Elena", she greeted from the doorway, "I'm Emma."

"Make yourself comfortable", Nathan interrupted us, "We're going to stay for a while."

"Yeah, you can join me upstairs", Emma added and smiled at me.

"Thanks", I mumbled quietly and looked around.

There were no personal things at all in here. Just a couch, some chairs, a table, many computers and guns.

This was not going to be fun.


*Third Person's P.O.V.*

The black haired woman started the engine and hit the accelerator.

"I'd like to pay an old friend of mine a visit", the deep male voice next to her mumbled, "I think he has some serious explaining to do."

"Sure", the woman replied calmly and drove along the highway on her way to L.A.

She was no woman of many words. But that was how she's been trained at the CIA. No words, no emotions, no problems. She simply obeyed the orders and did what she had to do without questioning any of them.

Suddenly, the man with the black fedora next to her started to laugh.

"Oh my god, the suspense is killing me!"

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