Chapter 7

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Remember this is all fiction and no hate towards anyone.

Emilia's POV

I woke up and instantly grabbed my head. I shouldn't have gotten drunk last night. Emilia que te pasa ? Not only that I shouldn't have woken up to a naked body besides me. Who was he anyway. I got up making sure not to awake him. As I was getting myself together, I got a better look at his face. It was Christopher. I managed to get dress and leave the house. Once I got into the car I realized I had many text messages. Some from my group chat and the rest from Joel. Ugh , why have I been ignoring him. I instantly clicked on his messages.There were messages from a few days ago but , I decided to focus on the one from right now.

Joel☺️: Hey, can we hangout ?
To Joel☺️ : sure you can come over if that's okay
Joel☺️: okay I'll be there in like an hour.

Great this gives me enough time to get home and shower. I feel absolutely disgusting. Chris it was a great time but , your time has come to an end.

* at home *

The moment I got home I hopped into the shower. It felt great especially with the hang over I'm experiencing. Once I was done I changed into a huge shirt and some sweats. I heard the doorbell downstairs ring. I knew instantly Ana would go get it. Ana is our cook/maid. She's more than that to me , since my parents are barely around. As I began to walk down the stairs there she was waiting for me.

" There's a handsome boy asking for you. El se llama Joel." She said smiling.

"Yes he's a friend please let him in ." I told her.

A minute later there he was in my huge living room. He looked so cuddly and cute.

" Hi Emilia." He said walking towards me. I gave him a quick hug.

" Hey , sorry you had to see me like this." I said laughing.

" oh please , your at home. Plus , you look fine. Well I mean you look"

I giggled " Joel it's okay I get it."

" Okay good ."

" Joel sorry I haven't been answering and last night was crazy." I spoke referring to me being drunk. He doesn't need to know more about his good friend Christopher.

" That's fine and what happened you that one to many drinks?" He said raising his eyebrow.

" Yes omg estoy muerta." I said now laying down on the couch. He laughed. 

* sometime later*

Joel was still here keeping me company. He even ate dinner with Ana and I.  He's just an amazing guy.  I've never met anyone like him.
We are currently talking about the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends. 

" Um Emilia I've never had my first kiss." He said shyly.

" En serio?!" I said in shock. But , how though he's Joel.

" Yes I'm serious and sometimes I wish I could get over it. So that way I can tell people i have kissed someone."  He said looking down.

" Well , kiss me.  I'm someone you know and you can get it over with." I said. Emilia you like him. No I don't, I'm trying to help.

" Emilia I don't know about this ..."

He was talking but , I cut him off and placed my lips on his. His lips were soft and sweet. But , most importantly what is this feeling I'm feeling?

Here's a little update. Hope you enjoy and are enjoying the story.

What do you guys think about that kiss ??

Do you guys want to hear from Emilia more often ?

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