The Raindrop

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Trailing down my nose
Is a single little drop of rain,
Reflecting the darkening sky.

It's cold and moving slowly,
Reluctant to leave,
Since the only thing left is the ground.

But then another falls on my face,
Racing after the other.
At least they have each other.

But now you're gone,
I'm jealous of them.
They have more than I do.

The coffin is covered in little beads
Of cold water.
And they're collecting in a shining puddle.

They roll gently off the sides,
Falling respectively of another
And are rarely in synchrony.

We didn't have time.
We didn't make many happy memories.
But we had each other.

So we all stand here,
Like a collected puddle of rain,
Held together in grief and yet apart in memory.

And we wait for the sun
To come shining again,
And for us - and our grief - to disappear along with the mist.

There's so much left to tell you,
So much left to tell me,
And nothing we can do about it.

I'm jealous of the rain, it's true.
But for a different reason altogether -
It's not because they have you, it's because they have each other.

And as more drops of rain
Fall on my face and on everyone else,
I miss you all the more.

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