Chapter 7

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Hello to you, one of the very few people who reads my story. this is the first time i'm writing an author's note and i cross my heart (and i hope to die. that i'll only stay with you one more night. n? okay.) that i won't keep you for this for too long.

i would just like to say thank you for reading my story. this is my first story here in wattpad and i don't know if i'm doing good or what so please, give me your comments. and please do share this to your firneds if you find it nice. thank you so much and iloveyouall. :)

enjoy reading! :


We were about to eat cereal but Louis, being the typical him, decided to hide all the spoons, keeping only one for him. The boys including my brother groaned, except Liam, of course. The boys begged to look for spoons, complaining while they were on it.

“It’s a spoonless world!” Liam sighed happily as he munched on his cereal.

“Aren’t you going to look for a spoon, Mia?” Louis asked.

“Why? There are still forks left.” I grabbed one and sat beside Liam as I began eating. Liam and Louis were staring at me.


“You eat using forks?” Louis asked incredulously.

“When no spoon is available, then yes.” I shoved cereal in my mouth, not spilling anything while doing so.

“Yes! Someone like me!” Liam exclaimed as he hugged me. I laughed and hugged back.

“Found one” the boys said simultaneously and ate their breakfast. As I ate, I remembered something and apparently, Adam did as well.

“Could they come?” he asked, hope in his eyes. I shrugged.

“I guess they could.”

“We could go where?” Zayn asked us. I smiled.

“You’ll see.”


After eating, we dragged the boys to their rooms to start their disguise transformations. We had them wear wigs, contact lenses and changed their complexion by the use of make up. Adam lent them clothes that were simple. The boys looked at themselves at the mirror after the transformation as Adam and I high fived.

“Wow! How did you do this?” Niall asked in amazement, stroking his now-brown skin.

“I don’t even look like myself anymore!” Zayn exclaimed.

“Adam and I are cosplayers. It is a must for us to know how to change our appearance to make us look like the anime character we are following.” I explained to them, cleaning up the makeup apparatuses we used for their disguises.

“Now, shall we go?” I nodded my yes and ordered them out of my room so I could change. Harry, being  Harry, remained seated on my bed.

“I want to see you change.” He whined. Zany gave him a look that made Harry stand up.

“Shut up, Styles.”

“Jealous boy- err- friend alert. Wow, you’re this protective and you’re not even together yet. I wonder what would happen if you get together.” I blushed at his comment and pushed him out of the room, him laughing.

I went to my closet and changed to a galaxy design 1D sleeveless top and jean shorts with some baby pink Toms. I curled my hair loosely and ran down the stairs. Zany noticed me first and smirked at my choice of shirt.

“Nice shirt” he teased.  I winked at him and laughed.

“Let’s go shopping!” I said in all excitement and piles to our family car.


We arrived at the mall within 15 minutes. The boys including Adam kept on teasing me and Zayn about that look he gave Harry back at the house. I can tell that Zayn was blushing. I pretended to sleep to avoid the topic.

Upon arriving at the mall, I dragged them to Topshop and left with both hands full of shopping bags. After about 3 hours, we technically bought something from every store in the mall.

“I’m hungry.” Niall complained.

“When was the time that you were not hungry, Niall?” Liam asked. We all laughed as Niall poked his tongue out at him.

“I don’t know about you guys but I’m quite hungry too. How about going to the food court now?” we all nodded and headed to the opposite direction of the food court.

“Uuuh, guys? The food court’s this way?” I said, pointing to my left. They looked t each other and laughed.

“We knew that. We were just testing your knowledge on geography.” I laughed at that and we walked off to the food court. Zayn began to walk beside me.

“You look good, by the way.” I blushed but managed to look at him, smiling.

“So you liked the shirt.” We both laughed as he wrapped an arm around me.

“Thank you.” He said. I looked up at him puzzled. One look at my expression and he understood. “You make me feel normal, like I’m not a member of big boyband. You make me feel back to who I was before. Thank you so much for that. This is the first time that I was able to shop without fans mobbing me, and to think I’m doing it with the girl of my dreams, literally.” I blushed and looked away.

“It’s nothing, really” I said as we walked to the direction of the others.

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