Chapter 8

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hello carrots! :) update today! (obviously) that's all i will say. :) enjoy reading! 

We were able to find a stall in the food court. We chose a table near the open space in the middle where performers usually perform. Different people were scurrying about, carrying trays of food and on their way to their tables.

I sat nearest to the open space, with Zayn and Liam fighting over who gets to sit beside me. Louis crept next to me silently as they were fighting and yelled.

“Okay lads, the seat beside Mia is now taken. Now go find another seat.” They stopped fighting at this. Zayn scowled at him while Liam pouted. I laughed at their really cute faces and high fived Louis.

In the end, Liam sat beside Louis and Harry sat beside him. Adam sat across me with Zayn beside him and Niall beside Zayn we ate noisily, me munching on my fries and hot fudge sundae when Bieber’s As Long As You Love Me came on air.

“I love this song!” Niall exclaimed, mouth full of food. I laughed at him and my phone vibrated in my pocket. I fished it out and looked at the message.

Fr: Zayn of my dreams.

                I think this seat is better. I have a clearer view of you munching cutely on your food. ;)

I blushed at his message and sent him a reply.

To: Zayn of my dreams

                Haha! I bet I look stupid. I don’t have that much beauty, you know. :P

Fr: Zayn of my dreams

                Srsly? You’re probably the most beautiful girl I ever met.

Once again, I blushed but this time, Louis noticed and nudges me.

“Who’s making you blush?” I scrambled my phone back to my pocket and looked at him.

“No one.”

“I don’t think it’s no one. Hey guys! Mia has a text mate that’s making her blush!” I tried my best to tackle Louis but he was far stronger and held my hands down as I tried to cover his mouth.

“Mia’s got a crush! Mia’s got a crush!” Harry sang.

“Why the long face Zayn? Jealous that someone else is making her blush? Oooh, someone’s got a crush!” Liam teased Zayn. We turned to him and he looked away, blushing. I giggled and blushed as well.

“What’s your twitter accounts?” Zayn asked us in hopes of changing the topic. The boys snickered but let it go.

“Mine’s @adamnotlevinebutdelarosa. Mia’s is @dreamermia.” Adam answered for both of us. Zayn stared at me and smirked at my choice of username, a glint of knowing and humour in his eyes. I just shrugged at him and continued eating my sundae. Louis attempted getting my fries but I swatted his hand away, quite strongly actually. My phone vibrated 5 times and I found out that the boys already started following me.

Then I saw a tweet by Louis.

@Zaynmalik has a crush on @dreamermia! #ishipZia

The boys, including my brother, commented, sending in their support and teasing us online. Soon enough, #ishipZia became trending.

“Thanks a lot boys.” I said, my voice full of sarcasm.

“You’re welcome.” Adam said. I glared at him and they laughed. Suddenly, Bieber was cut mid-sentence, or mid-lyrics, and was replaced by the opening of Oppa Gangnam Style by Psy. Some people in the open stage stopped in their places before starting to dance.

“Oooh! Flashmob! I always wanted to see one live!” Louis exclaimed, clapping his hands together like a child. I laughed at his expression. I looked at Adam and saw that he was laughing to. Liam did a face palm, Harry just laughing at his bestfriend. Niall was, well, eating again and Zayn was looking at his friend amusedly.

A few more people from different tablesstarted to get up and joined the dance. Everyone was so engrossed by it, it made me smile. Then the refrain part started. Adam and I nodded to each other as we stood up and joined the dance, bringing the attention to us.out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boys with their mouths wide open, gaping at us. I fought the urge to laugh, since that would just ruin the performance, and made my way to centerstage.

♫Oppa Gangnam Style! Op, op, op♫♪ we danced along to the beat, me forgetting tha world around me. This is my third world. My world away from problems. This is the world of me, my music and my moves.

The song ended and we went back to doing what we were doing before dancing. Adam and I made our way to our table.

“That was fun.” I said. The boys got out of their trance and started blaberring loudly about our performance. I laughed loudly. My phone vibrated and took it out to see a message from Zayn.

Fr: Zayn of my dreams

                You’re amazing. Really.

I blushed and winked at Zayn

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