Protecting Me: Episode 4

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The Next Day

Demi is in the kitchen making breakfast while nathan is out looking around the perimeter. Nathan opens the door and puts his arms round her waist "hey beautiful" he smiles at her and kisses her cheek. "hi" she kisses him on the lips "whatcha making gorgeous"he murmurs as he kisses her neck,  "bacon sandwich" she says "can you make me one please"nathan asked as he rested his chin on her shoulder "um maybe depends what i get in return"demi asks, "a kiss" nathan smiled, "so if i don't make you breakfast you won't kiss me" demi says and nathan nods thinking he's won the arguement."well good luck with that baby" demi smiles and walks away with her breakfast. nathan just stands there with his mouth open "aww i thought she was going to win that one" nathan puts his head down and puts cereal in a bowl. When nathan goes into the living room he sees demi watching t.v, he sits next to her eats his breakfast,  "Dem" he says, "yer"demi looks at him, Nathan kisses her "i'm couldn't hack it" demi smiles "thought so" demi kisses him again. "i'm happy now" nathan says as he eats his breakfast. Demi smiles "you're such a dork" she says as she gets up to wash her plate.Nathan grabs her hand and kisses her once more "love you" he smiles, "love you to babe"she smiles as she goes off to the kitchen.

That afternoon, Demi and Nathan are in the living room and Demi is cuddling into Nathans chest and Nathan has put his arms around her and kisses her cheek aever now and then. Suddenely his mobile goes off, "hello...what...ok bye" nathan looks at demi "we need to go now" nathan grabs her hand "what why" demi asks "i'll tell you later please trust me demi" nathan says. They both run out the front door and nathan rips the gps fbi tracking system off the car "what the hell are you doing" demi screams "I just got a call from a friends of mine at the F.B.I...henderson is in on the plan..he helped that scumbag escape." nathan said quickly as he drove out the driveway "why would he do that" demi asked "i don't know" nathan just kept his eyes on the road. "i'm not gonna let anyone hurt you demi i promise" nathan said as he held her hand. "where are we going" demi asked "someone i know i can trust she has been like a second mom to me since birth" nathan replied quickly.

Two hours later they show up outside an old cottage "here we are" nathan said as he got out the car. Nathan took demi's hand and they went to the front door, nathan knocked and a petite brown curly haired woman appeared "nathan sweetheart come in" she smiled as she opened the door further. "Hi jayne um this is my girlfriend demi" they both said hi to each other. "what can i help you with" jayne asked, "i need you're help...henderson wants to destroy the F.B.I and he's starting by releasing Americas most dangerous criminals one by one, i've worked out that by in the next six months he can have an army of dangerous men to take on the F.B.I...if we don't stop him he's going to kill us all" nathan explained "what why would he do this"jayne asked. "I don't you think henderson organised people to kill my parents jayne" nathan asked. "i dont know darling but i am going to make sure you too stay safe do you guys have a place to stay" jayne asked. "No we don't" nathan said. " i have a spare room you two can stay in" jayne said. "That would be great jayne thanks" nathan smiled.

"Nath" A brown haired boy appeared at the bottom of the staircase "Tom" nath went and hugged him "yarite mate"nathan asked "yer not bad what you doing here anyways" tom asked, "i need ya mums help" nathan said quickly, "oh is everything okay" tom asked, "not exactly....Henderson is trying to take over the F.B.I" nathan said "oh yer he's been recruiting people to join his new law force...max is apart of it" tom looks down "what he wouldn't" nathan said confused, tom sighs "he feels as henderson saved his fathers life, he has loyalty towards him i don't know that's what he said anyway" tom replied. "what about jay and seev" nathan asked "jay and seev both refused to they were shot " tom replies. Nathan nods and can't believe what he is hearing from tom, nathan and these four lads were once best friends and played together everyday but now one of them is his enemy and two were dead.

"Who's ya friend" tom asked "oh this is my girlfriend demi...demi this is tom he is one of my best friends" nathan smiled as they shook hands. "are you still with kels" nathan asked, "yer she is living here now....her parents kicked her out as she refused to join henderson and they felt like they had loyalty towards him" tom nodded "what did your mum do" nathan asked. "she took me and chelle out straight away after she heard that henderson was starting his own force" tom explained "what about you" he asked, "i think i'm gonna quit...i just need to go back there to ask henderson something" he said quickly. "i can drive ya if you want" tom asked. "thanks bro" nathan smiled "no probs i'll just get my keys" tom walked away to find his car keys. "nath please dont get hurt" demi pleaded. "i won't baby i promise i need to do this....i need to find if henderson organised the death of my parents...there was a load of what i thought was bullshit a few years ago...but i need to know if it's true" nathan explained as demi nodded " i need you to stay here though" nathan said quietly "ya ready mate" tom asked "yer be with you in a min.....demi i love you i'll be back soon i promise...i trust jayne i know she will keep you safe" nathan smiled and kissed her one more time before he left. Demi waved at the window then she heard someone behind her "he won't be gone long" jayne said, she smiled as demi nodded, "nathan said you were like a second mom to him" demi smiled as her and jayne sat down "oh i don't know about that....ya see everytime nathans parents went on a mission i would look after him...i have tom and michelle already so having another little one around the house wasn't hard" jayne smiled. "what about jay and siva" demi asked, "oh well having all five boys was a handful but i love kids but now there all grown up" jayne said.

Then a brown haired girl showed up in the doorway "hi who's this" she asked "michelle this is demi, demi this is my daughter michelle.....demi is nathans girlfriend"jayne said. "hello" demi said and michelle smiled back, "nath was here..i haven't seen that kid in ages...where is he now" michelle asked. "he's gone with your brother to the F.B.I headquarters"jayne replied. "oh okay tell me when they get back" michelle turned around and went upstairs. "Sorry about her.....her boyfriend max has joined henderson's new law force...and she is worried, stressed and angry that he would do that" jayne said.

With Tom and Nathan

They both arrived at the F.B.I headquarters and nathan ran down to henderson's office and flung the door open "Agent Sykes what the hell do you think you are doing barging into my office like this ...and parker you were discharged you shouldn't be even on this property" henderson bellowed. "How dare you killed my parents and what now you're tryingto get the love of my life killed" nathan said. Henderson smirked "i dont know what you are talking about". Nathan put his head down "how could that to my parents they were you're best promised them you would raise me and you would keep the f.b.i going not start it and start a new law force" nathan yelled. "i did raise you nathan....and yes you're parents were my best friends....that's why it was so easy to get them you tell me what are you going to do about it" henderson smirked.

Protecting Me: A Demi and Nathan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now