Protecting Me: Episode 2

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The Next Morning

Nathan went out with a pistol to check the perimeter, even though he was demi's friend he still had a job to do and his job was to make sure she doesn't get hurt. He ran around the house and through the forest to make sure there were no suspicious cars or people around. After he had done this he went back to the house. He opened the door and Demi was in the kitchen making breakfast "hey where've ya been" demi asked, "checking the perimeter to make sure no suspicious people are around" he said, demi nodded "is there" she asked, nathan put his arm over her shoulder "no dem there aren't i'd shoot them if there were" he smirked. Demi smacked his hard chest and smirked at him "okay 007" she said sarcastically. Nathan winked at her and smiled at her "i gotcha back babe" he took an apple and went into the living room, demi stood there blushing and looking at her feet.

Suddenley the phone rings "hello" demi answered "hi too...okay sounds good...see you you too..bye" demi put the phone down "Nath" demi yelled. " yer whats up" nathan ran into the kitchen with his gun worried "okay bond put the gun down dad called he is coming over this afternoon" demi smiled "okay is agent henderson coming aswell" nathan asked "yer he is agent henderson is escorting him over here just to keep him safe" demi said "okay...i gotta get ready if agent hendersons coming over"nathan said nervously, nathan started walking upstairs "nathan can i ask you something" demi said "yer what's up" nathan looked over his shoulder "why are you so nervous about agent henderson coming over" demi asked, "i guess i was gonna tell you eventually....agent henderson has raised me ever since i was ten, my parents died..they were in an FBI misssion that went wrong they were both shot..."nathan looked down. Demi went over and hugged him "i'm sorry" she said. "it's okay...i just feel i have to impress him everythime i see him now ya know i want him to be proud of me...he's the closest thing i have to my parents, the fbi are like my family thats why i joined i wanted to feel loved and wanted by people" he said and demi just held him. "i'm sorry you went through that" she said "thanks they're in a better place now" he replied and smiled. Demi pulled away and kisse his cheek "you're wanted by me"demi walks away to clear up and nathan smiles and rubs the cheek she kissed.

20 minutes later

Nathan answers the door and sees agent henderson and demi's father standing there "hi mr dele garza and agent henderson please come in". Both men enter the house demi sees her dad and hugs him "hey sweetie" her father answers "i'm so glad you're here dad" demi said. "have you checked the perimeter agent sykes"agent henderson asked "yes sir this morning at 8 am there was no suspicious things going on and i am checking every 2 hours so i will leave and check again in the 10 minutes" Nathan says, agent henderson nods his head "very good can i talk to you privatley sykes" agent henderson said, "yes sir" nathan nodded and walked into the kitchen area with agent henderson "don't get to close to demi, you know as soon as we catch this criminal shes going to back to her normal life and you're gonna finish training to become a professionally trained FBI do know that right you're not going to see her again after this is over" agent henderson said sternly. Nathan nods "yea i know", "Good i wanted to make that clear....if you get feelings for her its harder to detach nathaniel you know that remember what i taught you...keep your distance son...i don't want you moping around you have a job to do after this demi has her career...i don't approve of you two being friends either it's to" agent henderson snapped and then walked away. Nathan put his head in his hands and thought "pull yourself together nathan don't show emotions you're a man not a girl".

As Agent Henderson And Demi's Dad are Leaving

"bye daddy" demi hugged her dad, agent henderson whispered to nathan "remember what i said nathan don't get close to her" nathan looked down "yes sir" nathan whispered back. "look after my daughter agent sykes" demi's dad said "of course sir" demis dad shook his hand. After they left demi smiled "want some lunch" demi asked "i'll make it myself demetria i'm going to check the periemeter" nathan said seriously as he left demi looked at him confused.

Nathan entered the house again 10 minutes later and went straight upstairs, demi looked at him confused and followed him upstairs, she knocked on his door "nathan ?" demi said, Nathan opened the door "yes demi is something wrong" nathan asked "wanna watch a movie" demi asked "i'm sorry but that's not professional, i am your security guard and that's it...we can't be friends" nathan closed his door. Demi just looked at the door trying not to cry "okay" she mumbled and went back downstairs. Back in Nathan's room he quietly said "i'm's for the best" nathan wiped a tear from his eye. "cmon nath pull ya self together man don't be a girl" he said to himself.

Protecting Me: A Demi and Nathan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now