mine // Eustass Kidd Yandere

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 WereAllMadHere1234 requested a Yandere kidd x reader.

So here it is


In the beginning you did not notice the changes. You always had an attraction for red heads and Kidd just blew your head away, he was different from what you wanted in a lover but you fell hard.

It already has been a few months since the two of you started dating and it was fun. Of course Kidd is difficult at times,but you made it work.

It was early in the morning and Kidd was already screaming his head of at some of the crew.

 I am lucky it isn't me... You closed your book and decided to help the poor souls out.
You stood up from the huge bed in a fur blanket Kidd got you when you told him it was to cold at night, and left your shared room.

Sometimes you asked yourself why him and not somebody else ? I mean Law is really nice aside from his sadistic tendencies when operating but no you had to take him.
He was rude,had a short temper, he was possessive, and he was bad. But you still loved him very dearly. Sometimes when the two of you were alone he would be passionate and even gentle (especially when you two did the booty bumping tango as you loved to call it)

But recently you noticed a change in Kidd. When the adventure Galley anchored at an island and you would be allowed to leave the ship with the usual guys, Kidd would keep you by his side, an arm around your shoulder and kissing you in public very often.

Earlier this week the Galley dropped anchor at a nice looking spring island and you were really excited to go ashore. It had been a long time since Kidd allowed you to come with him but you told him that on the next island you either went with him or alone without his consent.

So he agreed to take you with him.
The day begun really nice but ended with Kidd and yourself fighting once again. And you ignored him for the last three days.

He wanted you to stay in the cabin at all times ?! As if. It is my decision where I go and what to do with my body...
Not even he could make you something you don't want.

You wondered if what you were about to do was a good idea.
But thought about the crew and climbed the stairs, dragging the blanket on the wood behind you.
Kinds insults got louder and you could hear him stomping around on deck.
"You Fucking idiots !! How can you forget how to tie the knot properly ?"

You opened the door and blinked at the sudden brightness of the sun.

Killer, Heat and Wire sat at the side and quietly talked about something.
Killer was the first one to notice your presence and gave you a short wave.

You smiled at the masked man and gestured to Kidd with your eyes.

"Kidd" you quietly called out your Lover.
The man immediately stopped his yelling and turned around.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed and stood infront of you
"What ?" You scoffed.
You really considered apologising for being rude to him that day but not anymore.
"You heard me !" "I want you gone now !!"
He growled and pushed you in the direction of the door.

"Kidd ! You can't tell me what to do !"
Kidd grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the door.
"Kidd ! Stop your hurting me !"
To say you were scared as an understatement.
Kidd never behaved that way with you. And never physically hurt you like this before.
It really scared you.
It confirmed that Kidd had indeed changed his behaviour over time.

After Kidd pushed you into the room he slammed the door and glared at you.

He ran a hand trough his hair.
"(Y/N),  please understand that I don't want to see you hurt... its dangerous outside. I could not bare it" he tugged the Googles off his head and tossed them away.
"You can't tell me what to do ! I always been a pirate. It's my life. Dangerous is all my live has ever been!, you can't change that" for a moment Kidd looked at you with a surprised look. But it turned into a mimic full of rage.
"If I tell you I want you safe, then you stay safe" "the navy is not the only thing that's dangerous out there !"He yelled.
"Can't you see the way they look at you when I am not there or busy ?"
"What ?"
Kidd observed your confused expression and then decided that words are not enough.
He took your face in his hands. Careful not to hurt you and passionately kissed you.
In the beginning you struggled because it simply was not the right moment but then you grasped his hair.
"It doesn't matter. All you need to know is that your mine! And everybody who breaks this rule will die"
He looked you in the eye and caressed your cheek. "Even if it's Killer" he added before walking out the door.

You took a moment to let everything set. Kidd was a complete different human just now. He scared you.
Killer was his Bestfriend. They have been togehter since their childhood and now He said that he would kill him if he basically just looked my way !
I have to stop Kidd ! I can't let anything like this happen.
You bolted for the door but it would not bulge. "DAMN IT!" Kidd must have locked the door when he walked out. How did I not notice ?
You banged your fist against the wood. "KIDD !"  "LET ME OUT!!"
"You can't do this!!" You yelled at the door.
But no matter how loud or how long you screamed nobody seemed to hear you... "You can't do this..."  You cried.
Killer was not only a person that was dear to Kidd, he was also dear to you. He actually helped you find the courage to confess to Kidd.
You slid down the door and cried in your hands.
How did it come to this ?...
You wondered where you did something wrong. Where you made a mistake that Kidd had a valid reason to behave the way he did.
But you came up with nothing.

Hours went by with you sitting infront of the door, doing nothing.
The first hours you cried but now you had no tears left and your eyes felt swollen and hurt.

You slowly rose from the floor when you heared footsteps.
You turned around and spoke "let me out of here !!"
Seconds later the lock clicked and Kidd stood in the door way.
Gasping you backed away.
His clothes and face were smeared with blood. A crazy look in his eyes.
"Nobody is ever going to look at you again." Hey said smiling and hugged you. A shiver of disgust went trough you. This was not the man you fell in love with. This was a monster.
"Let go !" You struggled against his embrace but his arms were like a steel case.
"Let go !" You repeated and struggled harder. Finally being able to break free.
"What did you do ?" You commanded and took a step back.
The blood from Kidds clothes was now on yours as well.
The warm liquid made your stomach turn.
Kidd definitely took his time up there, the blood is still warm.
Kidd crossed his arms and looked you in the eye.
"I did what was necessary to protect you !" He growled
"I don't need protection!"
"You do ! And I will not have do this discussion again"

"Will you let me know of if the crew is alright?" You whispered.
"It dosn't matter !"
Kidd walked towards the small door and stripped himself of his clothes.
"Join me in the shower" he turned around and watched you.
you squirmed around and tried not to look at the bloodied man.
"I'd rather not" you threw him a smile when he raised his voice.
"This was not a question (Y/N) !" His voice was dry and the feeling his look gave you was deadly.


Sorry for the short one ! This was my first request and I hope it's okay like this !
And I am very sorry I took so long but I had a bit of trouble going on.

I hope you guys liked it.  !

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