Treasure /Nico Robin x male reader

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Somehow Wattpad did not publish this? Is this just my Wattpad? Bc I swore I got a notice that the oneshot was published. Well here it is if now hahaha

@Azureman136 I hope you enjoy this !!!

this is filled with some archaeological terms !
I'm listing themthose I use here:

Excavation----> the systematic digging and recording of anarchaeological site/ object found.

gird---> precisely placed squares with ropes that form little units


Theheat was scorching but by now this was something you had alreadyaccustomed.
You stopped for a second to brush the sweat onyour forehead away.
A groan escaped your lips as you stoodup to stretch your stiff legs.
They hurt but this was no surprise.You sat around for hours on your legs excavating a piece ofceramic.
Trying to ease the pain you walked around the gridyou had created over the months., possible already a year. You spentmost of your time digging and searching not caring if it was day ornight.
You took this opportunity to light the torches you hadplaced around your search area.
You wanted to do this hours agobut you forgot when you continued to work on the piece.
The skywas not seen from where you stood but you knew it must be dark bynow.
You looked up seeing the dark shapes of the tall treesand plants surrounding you.

Maybeyou should call it a night. A yawn escaped your mouth. Yea lets callit a night. Since you had found the piece you had not slept oreaten.
A bad habit you had. You simply could not registeranything you needed until your body was at its limit.
"Letstake this break and eat something," After you had lit each torchyou went back to the small unit you had been working and collectedyour tools, carefully placing them on your treasured belt. Then youtook the cover you had prepared and covered the site.
"Allcovered up!" You laughed and made your way to your campsite.

Itwas at the back of your little discovery area beneath a pair offallen trees. It was optimal for your tent. The make shift bed wasstill looking like it did the way it did when you bought it.
Wellyou had not a lot of opportunity to sleep in. Research keeping youup.
You got rid of your belt and walked over to the small pond inthe back of your campsite to wash of all the layers of dust, dirt andsweat off of you. The water felt cool against your hot skin. Givingyou a refreshing feeling afterwards.
You walked back to your camponly in your trousers. It would be faster then undressing all the wayagain when you wanted to lay down.
You lit the small oillamp next to your bed, standing on a box.
You put off therest of your clothes besides your boxers and went to lay under thethin cotton cover.
You grabbed the book from next to thelamp.
It was a thin book with a colourful front.
Apainting of a man holding a shovel and a piece of treasure in hishands.

"The undiscovered treasuresof the new world"

Waswritten in bold letters.
How many times had you read that booksince you got it from him?
At least a million times.
Youlet your hand glide over the worn down cover, a nostalgic feelingfilling you.
You starred at the cover for a few minutes beforeopening the book.
Gently you brushed over the words written on thefirst page.
The ink was already fading and some words couldnot be read anymore but you memorized them by heart.
Slowly youflicked trough the pages until you reached the part where it toldabout the Lima treasure.
The treasure you spent your current lifesearching for.
The treasure he spent his whole life searchingfor.
You read the story before falling asleep. The noises from theanimals and leaves rustling in the wind your lullaby.

Yourprecious sleep was cut short when a loud scream echoed on theisland.
A groan left your lips as you sat up. You rubbedyour eyes. "what was that?" It was the first time you heardsomeone scream.
you did not lay down again but went toget dressed so you could continue where you left of.
dawn wasalmost over and the part of the forest that caught the light wasbathed in a golden light.
You took a banana with you towhere you worked yesterday and begun uncovering the area.
You ranyour hand trough your hair. lets get to work.

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