Yandere Shanks x Chubby! reader

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for the dear @iamaqueen34 I hope you like it!! 


You woke up in the morning due to the heavy snoring of the drunk male next to you.
You groaned and slapped Shanks in an attempt to shut him up but he just turned around and pulled you closer with his arm.
But it was way to hot... the bed sheets were all tangled around you and Shanks body was super hot. Prying his arm of you, you worked on getting the sheets of you. Which was not so easy considering Shanks was lying above them and kept tossing around.
After almost 15 minutes of struggling with the sheets you finally were free, and the cold morning air felt blissful.

You turned around and faced Shanks. Watching him sleep. For a second you had the urge to squeeze his nose shut but you let him sleep.
He always seemed super tired, so it could only do him good.

You gently pushed red strands of hair out of Shanks face and behind his ear.
You felt blessed that he choose you to love.
From all the women around the world Shanks choose you.

He always told you that from the moment he met you he knew you were his destiny, grinning from ear to ear.
He enjoyed watching you turn red. His corny jokes never got old. And the teasing was something you came to live with.

You smiled at the memory and gently pecked his forehead.
"You know my lips are down here?" A husky voice exclaimed from beneath you.
"Shanks!" you exclaimed and sat up.

"good morning," you greeted your lover. Shanks smiled at you and chuckled.
"Good morning darling." Shanks leaned up and deeply looked into your eyes.
"I'm still waiting for that kiss!" before he moved in and captured your lips with his.

You returned the kiss, but put a hand to his chest, pushing him back as he tried to take you down with him.
"Shanks, its already afternoon. And you know we arrived at the port of ( name Random Island). There is no time for this now." You explained with a smile.
Shanks pouted for a second but smirked as he realized your choice of words.
"there is no time for this now... but how about later?" He asked only to get slapped on the head.
"Get ready and come up!" You hurried out of the room, fanning your face.

That man was so...Urgh! Shanks was unbelievable, was everything he ever thought about with you sex? Honestly was it so hard not to do it once he wakes up or goes to bed? That seriously annoyed you.
You opened the door to the deck and closed your eyes at the sudden brightness of the sun.
"Woah!" You exclaimed as you looked around. "The weather is beautiful today,"
"good morning (Y/N)," You turned to Ben who was leaning against the railing, smoking. Just like always. Ben was the one you always confined in other then Shanks. Sometimes you nedded a different opinion then the one form Shanks. He had a weird way to deal with everything that was not always helpful.
You smiled at him and stepped to his side.

"Good morning,"

Ben and you conserved for a bit until Shanks arrived on deck.

Shanks saw you with Ben and hurried over in an instant. He did not want any male attention on him, without Shanks supervising.
Somewhere deep inside him he feared that you did not love him enough.

It was a unnecessary worry he knew that but it still bothered him.

You smiled at Shanks as he wrapped his arm around you and rested his face in your neck.
What you did notice was the dark look in Shanks eyes as he looked at Ben.

Bens eyes widened and he shifted around until he finished smoking and told you he had something important to do and was leaving first.

"I don't like it when you are around the others if I'm not around." Shanks told you the moment Ben faded from view.
You laughed. "Then am I supposed to be alone unless I am with you?" Shanks said nothing and you undid Shanks hold on you and turned around to face him.
"Honey, I've known everyone for years. Years! If anyone wanted something from me then they would have done so a long time ago. Not to mention they know that I'm yours."
Shanks relaxed at your words and you let out a relieved sigh.

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