Doflamingo x Chubby! Pregnant! reader

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(Lol almost forgot to erase my story notes...)
This is for AshliDinkelman
Hope you enjoy it♡

You sat in your bedroom and looked out of the window. You hand caressed your stomach.
The words of the doctor a few days ago still fresh in your mind.
"congratulation (Y/N)-Sama. What you are experiencing is no illness but symptoms of pregnancy. You are 8 weeks pregnant."


There was a child in you. A human being was growing inside of you. The child of you and the man you loved. You were so happy you wanted to burst into tears.
But then Doflamingo came to your mind.

You bit your lip. Fortunately he was currently away because of business, so you had some time to think.
You put a hand on the window, observing the houses below the palace.
You were unsure how you should tell him.
What if he did not want children ?
You knew that a lot of things happened in his childhood that scared him for life.

A knock interrupted the silence. "(Y/N)-sama dinner is served."
The worry on your mind made your appetite fade but now you had someone else to think of.
"I'm coming" you responded and walked to the door. On the other side stood Diamante.
You presented him a smile "so it's you're turn today ?"
"Hahahahah well, after all a performance is not complete without all of the audience."
Ah. You knew exactly who he was talking about. "Dellinger made a fuss again ?"
"Of course. He always makes a fuss. And since you had not arrived I thought I come and get you too"
"He always makes a fuss when Doffy is not home"
The two of you walked together to the dining hall in silence.
Doflamingos imagined reaction still controlled your mind.
When the two of you arrived infront of the door, Diamante stopped you.
"Is there something on your mind ?"
He asked.
Diamante was someone you often seeked comfort in when Doflamingo was to busy or away. You liked his weird personality and fashion sense.

"Oh nothing, I just miss Doflamingo !" You presented him a fake smile and grabbed the door handle.
"The others are waiting for us" Diamante looked like he wanted to say something. You knew he saw trough you and that you did not only miss Doflamingo but there was something else weighing you down.
But speaking about it at dinner was not the right time.

You seated yourself next to Doflamingos empty seat and waited with the others of the family that Dellinger arrived.
the rebellious teen arrived after a few minutes and you started eating.

You pondered about what to eat. You decided that having more vegetables then normal was healthier for your child put some food on your plate.
"Oi ! (Y/N) if you wanna diet you have to cut back on some food" Dellinger cracked up. "If you eat so much vegetables it's not going to help you !" He laughed and slapped the table.
The other conversations on the table died down and everyone watched Dellinger and me.
You pursed your lips and narrowed your eyes at the teen, daring him to continue.
But he sweat dropped and sat back down.
You gave everyone a sweet smile and without a word you continued eating.
You tried not to let Dellingers words get to you.
The boy had a knack for poking at peoples insecurities and weak points so it was nothing new.
It was just that normally he wouldn't do it infront of everyone but Doffy was not here so you bet he got brave.
You stabbed your food aggressive and emptied your plate.

You waited until everyone was finished and stood up.
"I am tired everyone. So I am going to retire early. Goodnight" You waved to everyone and left the dining room. Outside you sighed and put a hand on your stomach.
It's not going to be easy, little one. But we will manage.

Diamante and Jola looked at eachother and Jola laughed.
Both of them had a part in raising Dellinger, but what he did to (Y/N) today infront of everyone could not go unpunished.
"Dellinger," Diamante called the teen with a dark smile on his face.
"You're going to do the dishes today. All of them. Alone,"
Dellinger opened in disbelieve. "You can't do that! That is the work of a servant!" He exclaimed furious.
Diamante narrowed his eyes. How dare to question his commanders orders. Dellinger had some serious personality issue. This kind of behaviour was not welcome, so he must drop it as soon as possible.
Before Diamante could raise his clenched fist. Jola spoke up "Oi brat! Do you rather want to clean after Trebol?!"
And slammed her fist on the table.
Dellinger flinched back in disgust and pictured himself cleaning up Trebols snotty things.
"No," he answered pale.
"Then get going," she pointed to the Kitchen and Dellinger walked slouched and with a scowl on his face.
Damn this day...

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