Enel x Reader

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You smiled at yourself, smelling the roses in your hands. You plucked them from the rose field outside the temple because Enel always made the rooms look so unrealistic and uninhabited.

So you decided to bring vases with roses into the house and put them in various places. It was one of the few things he allowed you to do outside of the temple.

They smelled sweet. With a smile on your face you stood up brushed the dirt from your dress with your free hand and went to get to the temple to get a vase for the new roses.

They were blue, just like your beloveds lightning. Your smile grew wider just thinking about the hotblooded man. Easy to anger and easy to please.

"(Y/N)-sama,the Lord requests your presence" A maiden of the temple came up to you fidgeting her hands, nervously. Your eyes narrowed and you looked down on her " Is there a problem ?" you asked harshly and instantly felt bad for her,but you were to proud to apologize to a maiden of her standards, The girl ruined your mood. You hated it when people interrupt your alone time, because Enel hardly gave you free time, claiming it was to dangerous being a 'gods' woman and having no protection what so ever. So he insisted that you had to have somebody around you at all times. " I am sorry My lady... I-Its just..." You sighed and shoved past her, the roses clutched inyour now clenched fist. " where is he ?" Knowing that she'll follow you, you asked without stopping.
" The lord is at the pavilion" she squeaked trying to keep up with your fast pace.Frowning you walked towards the Pavilion where your lover seemed to spent most of his days free time, without you. You knew you were being moody but still, you haven't seen Enel since morning and just because some tribe people ruined his mood this week, he refused tospent time with you. Rather he would throw lightning bolts at the people he made responsible for his mood and let his personal servants be around him all the time. There were even rumors about him flirting with the female staff. You were jealous but if someone would ask you,you would deny. Not wanting to give Enel the satisfaction of seeing you like this. The man would only do such things more often to rile you up.

As soon as you went around the last corner you could see the bulky silhouette of Enel. Instantly your bad mood was gone and you felt happy to see him. You cursed yourself for it. You missed him and you loved him to much to stay angry at him...

You slowly ran towards him "Enel !"

The blonde looked up from his spot to see his lover hurry towards him."My Love" Enel opened his arms for you and you went straight for them. Ravishing the rare skin contact you had with him.

" I missed you this morning, you were already gone when I woke up. Why?" wrapping your arms around his neck you played with his earrings.Enels bracelets made sounds as he moved his hands to your hands,taking the roses. "(Y/N), why do you pluck this trash ? This isn't worth a goddesses time. We have servants to do that" Enel sighedand threw the roses aside. "But they are so beautiful" you pouted looking at the now ruined roses on the ground." that's not beautiful ! But I can show you what true beauty is " Enel teased you cupping you chin in his hands. "Stop it " Embarrassed you slapped your lovers chest. The others did hear that comment from him... Your blood went to your cheeks.

Enel smirked at you leaning back, his head onto his arm. He observed your flustered form. Taking in every detail of your adorable appearance. With a flick of his hands he mentioned to the servants to leave the pavilion and come back later.

"I love seeing you flustered. It makes me all hot" he whispered into you ear. You did not know how to deal with it... Enel rarely was the type to voice such things, he was the one who made the saying 'actions speak louder than words' have a meaning. You buried your head into his chest. " Please stop" You whimpered" My heart can't take it. It hammered in your chest, exited about what your brain imagined.
Nooo you thought. Enels laugh brought you back fromyour thoughts and you lifted your head to look at him. "You should smile more often" You said tracing his lips.

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