Project Soul

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        "Happy Golden Week, Kamui. You're getting promoted."

Corrin almost dropped her cup of tea. Felicia's jaw actually dropped, and the other Corrin blinked slowly. Her entire family (that was here anyways) and all of their retainers stared at Kiran, who had just barged into the wing as they sometimes (if rarely) did. "I-I beg your pardon?" Corrin stammered.

"You are getting promoted," Kiran replied patiently. "As in, I am putting you in a legitimate team. Also, you are now third in line for becoming a front liner since said team I'm putting you in is coming to be a big deal in the future."

What? "This is... unexpected," Xander commented.

"You've barely touched this wing with the exception of milord that you rescued from the Tempest," Niles added, arching an eyebrow. "And he's constantly out and about so we've barely seen him save for nights."

"The other three Alts don't even come over here." Takumi frowned. "Something come up?"

"I needed a person and Kamui fit all of the requirements." Kiran paused, and then crossed their arms. "Well, most of the requirements, but there's no Hero here or otherwise that fits all of them. Yet. So you're the one."

"Congratulations, milady." Jakob beamed. "I knew they would see what a mistake it was to keep you off of the battlefield. The enemy won't stand a chance now."

"Oh, but I do wish that I could come as well..." Camilla cooed.

"Camilla, I promise that she will be in very good hands," Kiran remarked dryly. "You don't need to worry about her safety, I'm just throwing her and most of the team into the training tower for now anyways. Now come along, Kamui. I need to introduce you to these three."

"Of course." Corrin hurriedly stood, and Sakura gave her a quick hug.

"G-Good luck, B-big Sis."

"She's not going away forever, Sakura," Takumi scolded gently, and Sakura just puffed her cheeks out at him while the other Corrin shook his head at them. But he had the same fond smile that Corrin did as she headed out of the wing and Kiran closed the door behind them.

There was a sudden, muffled buzz of conversation behind that door now that it was closed, and Corrin's smile slipped as she and Kiran began moving down the hall. Two months. Two months, she had been here, and Kiran had barely given her a word. She had just... been here. In Askr. With her family that she now shared with her male counterpart who had gotten here first. Now she was suddenly a candidate for the front lines? Just because she suddenly filled some requirements? "So... uh... requirements, huh?" she asked, because it honestly couldn't hurt. The summoner may not usually give her the time of day, but it wasn't like they didn't like her.


"Requirements," they replied, and something eased in Corrin's chest. "Basically, you're a blue dragon unit, you're female, and will click better with this team than Nowi will."

Corrin had known that units were separated into colors, but this was her first time hearing hers. She was acquainted with Nowi too, though she couldn't say that she knew the older(?) dragon well. She carefully clenched her teeth together. She probably should have made more of an effort to figure out how things worked around here, but the wing where she lived was about the only place where people didn't call her Kamui. She just... she could stomach being called a different name, but she could never think of herself by it. "Aren't... all the dragons here female, though?" she asked. "Barring other the other Corrin, but he doesn't have a dragonstone, so-"

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