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five years later

"daddy," a young girl looked around and tugged at her father's shirt. "where's mommy?"

her father gently carried his daughter and smiled gently. "she's probably at the bench. go on, look for her."

the girl smiled and wiggled out of her father's grip, and rushed to the bench on the park where her mother loved to sit all the time. there, she found her mother, her hand on her chin and lost in thought. she had a notebook on her hand.

"mommy?" the girl tugged at her mother's shirt. "why is your notebook pink and covered in unicorns and glitter and stars?"

her mother smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead gently. "pink, unicorns, glitter, and stars are something i love dearly."

and it reminds me of something, she added in her head. or rather, someone.

the girl shrugs and smiled as she picked up her mother's notebook and flipped through it. she found drawings of a young boy who she has never seen before.

"who is this, mommy?" the girl asked.

"a boy who appears in my dreams," her mother answers vaguely. but that it is all the little girl needed to hear. she nodded and hugged the notebook tightly.

"can i have it?" she pleaded.

her mother laughed. "yes, you may."

the girl squealed with excitement as she snuggled into her mother's arms.

her mother smiled, and looked at the setting sun.

i hope i will remember who you are, she thought. one day.


she has forgotten him.


first of all
thank you for reading this this short story😅
it's my first [very depressing] short story so it's probably a disappointment but PFT i wrote this whole thing on tuesday and finished it friday
tHiS whOLe wEEk hAS bEeN tHE mOsT stREssfUL weEK oF mY ENTIRE LIFE
[so far]
which is why i gifted you with this sad story :D
but basically, thanks for reading this book and it probably needs improvement, and when i am done with my exams *sobs violently* i'll probably edit it but meh
thanks one again, goodbye!


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