1. Beginnings

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"Maddie! Lets go! You're going to be late for school!"

"So I'll be late. I don't even want to go to school."

"Please don't be like this. I know you're upset about moving and about going to a new school, but this might be a good change. There might be better people here. At least try to have fun today, for me."

"Okay mom."

We got in the car and drove off to my new school. I just moved to Sydney at the beginning of September. Don't get me wrong, this place is amazing! The scenery is so pretty and my new house is so much better than my old one. I just have so much past where I was and I can't believe I actually left it. Maybe mom's right though. The change might be good for me, but what if it's not? What if it turns out to be like last time?

We pulled up to the school. Sydney High School was written in big green letters. People were walking in and out of the building, it looked nice from the outside at least. I got out of the car and said goodbye to my mom. I heard her yell for me to have fun but I wasn't paying much attention.

I went into the building and looked down at the crunched up schedule in my hand. ENGLISH room 319 is my first class. I walked around the school until I found it. I went into the room and was immediately greeted by the teacher. He looked to be about in his late 20's. He had brown hair and pretty brown eyes. Guess I'm starting the day off with an attractive teacher.

"Welcome. I'm Mr. Smith, you must be the new student, Maddie?"

"Yes, that's me." I said in my low what-do-I-do-here kind of voice. He told me that I'll be sitting in the empty seat towards the back of the classroom. I quietly walked towards the seat, but looked up to see a girl smiling at me.

"Hi! I'm Violet, but people call me V."

"Hi V, I'm Maddie." I sat down.

"You're new here so you're going to need a buddy to help you around. It's a good thing you're sitting next to me, I get to be that buddy." I smiled at that. She seems like a nice person, maybe today will be good for me.

The class went by pretty quickly. I showed my schedule to V. I found out we have every class except Chemistry together. We made our way to our next class, Geometry.

The first half of the day went by surprisingly fast. After about four classes, I had lunch. I went to my locker to get my books for the second half of the day when a typical blonde, slutty cheerleader, which I'm guessing is the schools "Queen Bee," bumped into me and made me knock over all my stuff.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I knock over the new kids stuff?" She held a fake expression of shock as she sashayed away with her other slutty cheerleaders.

I bent down to pick up my stuff, but someone beat me to it. I looked up to a smiling blond. He had incredibly pretty emerald green eyes that seemed to shine. His hair was in a fit of messy, but attractive, curls. He had the cutest dimples and he just seemed so genuinely happy. To say he looked like a god was an understatement.

"Don't let Haley bother you, she always picks on the new kids. I'm Ashton Irwin by the way.

I shook his had. "I'm Maddie Jonson. Thank you for picking up my stuff, it's really kind of you."

"No problem. You seemed like you needed help so I wanted to be someone's knight for the day, and you just happened to be that someone." I blushed at that. He really seems like a sweetheart.

We made our way to the cafeteria. he offered that I sit with him and I accepted. I quickly went to tell V the plan and she seemed okay with it. She said she's happy that I made a second friend today.

I talked to Ashton all lunch. I didn't really talk to anyone else at the table. I overheard that there was a boy named Calum and I think someone named Luke, but I'm not sure.

Like with V, I showed my schedule to Ashton. I found out that he has Chemistry, Geometry, Language, Song Writing/ Band, Lunch, and Biology with me. The next bell rang and he showed me where the chemistry room was. We walked in just as the next bell went off. I was told to sit in the desk towards the left of the classroom. There was a window right next to it with a view of the forest. My partner wasn't here today so I sadly didn't get to meet him. Maybe he's sick. My hope is that he's at least nice. This could be a new chance for me to make another friend, once my mystery partner, who I'm gonna call X, shows up.

The rest of the day didn't go by as fast as the first half, but soon enough it was over. I said goodbye to Ashton and V. I exchanged numbers with both of them.

I walked outside, expecting to see my moms car, but it wasn't there. I called her, no answer. That's strange, she always answers. I shrugged my thoughts aside and sat on the curb for a little.

I looked down at my phone. Ten minutes have passed and still no sign of mom. I was about to call her, but someone pulled up in front of me. It was Ashton.

"Need a ride?"

"Sure, thanks Ashton. You really have been my knight for today, this is your second time saving me." He chuckled at that, I think he even blushed a little.

I told him where I live and it turns out that he's my neighbor. We talked until we got home. I said thank you to him and we quickly hugged before I walked to my house, which happened to be next door. When I unlocked the door, I saw something I wasn't too happy about.

*A/N* Hey or Hi to everyone! I just wanted to say that this is my first fan fiction so please don't hate if this chapter was bad. I promise I'll try to get better! Anyways, for those of you who read this, thank you.

Also, please comment if you're having trouble viewing my other chapters. the fist chapter seems to have more reads than the others so i don't know if any of you are having trouble

~Xx Liz

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