3. X

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I walked into the school with Ashton. People gave me looks as to why a new girl, and someone as unpopular as me was with him. I just shrugged the looks off, I wasn't going to let judgmental people ruin my day.

The bell rang just as I got to my first class. I sat besides V and an empty desk. I was kind of happy that I had an empty desk there though, it meant I couldn't get distracted by someone if it were to be occupied. I had V for that instead.

I sat through English pretty quietly. I just took notes and did what I have to do. It wasn't until the door opened that I stopped taking notes. In came this boy, full of tattoos and had quite a few piercings. He had dark blue hair with streaks of black. I couldn't see his face too clearly since he wasn't that close to me, but something about him made him look so perfect (yes I meant to use 'she looks so perfect' >_<).

I found myself staring at his every move as he walked up to the empty desk and sat down. He seemed sort of mysterious, or mystical. I decided to be nice and say hi. He just looked up at me and glared, like he already hated me. HE FREAKING GLARED! WHAT DID I DO WRONG! I turned back to my notes and continued writing. I knew he was staring at me, I could feel his gaze on my back.

After the class was finally over, I walked with V and Ashton to geometry. The class went by pretty quickly, but like with first period, mystery guy comes in halfway through the class. He gets seated across the room from me but I still have full access to view him, not that I'm going to or anything.... Nope!

Before I knew it, lunch was next. I headed to my locker, but something told me not to. I figured I was just being stupid. When I got there, I saw why my brain was telling me not to go. All over my locker were post-its of horrible things on them. It's only the second day of school and this happens. Thankfully, today's Friday. I skipped going to my locker and went to the cafeteria, lunch less.

"Hey Maddie!" V chirped.

"Hi V, do you know where Ashton is? I have to tell him something important."

"No, sorry. Why? What's wrong?"

"Umm..." I told her the story with me walking to my locker and seeing the notes. After I finished telling her, I had tears down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them off, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"That's horrible! I'm gonna find out who did this to you!" She got up right away and left. Not realizing that she left me alone in a lunch room full of people I don't know. Thanks V.

I looked around to find Ashton, but instead my eyes crossed to mystery boy. He was sitting at the table that Ashton and his friends sat at. I must've been staring for too long. He looked up at me and our eyes met. I stayed like that, looking into his eyes. I can't tell what color his eyes are but as of now they look amazing. I snapped out of the eye contact and continued looking for Ashton. My eyes wandered around the room until I saw him. He was with Haley, but he didn't seem happy. I felt something inside of me, jealousy? That can't be. I just met the boy, I can't like him. Suddenly, I saw him get up from her table, his fists were clenched together tightly. You could see the muscles bulging out. I called his name and his ice cold stare at Haley softened when he saw who called him. He smiled a bit as he walked over to me.

"Hey Ashton, I was looking for you."

"Oh. Sorry. I was busy talking to Haley. I saw what happened at your locker and I just knew she did it so I went to say a few words to her. He still looked pretty tense though. I gave him a hug and he seemed to calm down.

"Thank you my oh so brave knight." He smiled. I love when he does. His dimples show and he just looks so adorable. "You didn't have to do that for me though. I would've just left it alone."

"Maddie, you just came to the school and you're already getting picked on. I'm not going to let my new friend get hurt."

"Thank you Ashton, I really appreciate it." I leaned over and kissed his soft cheek. His face reddened and he looked over at me. He smiled as he opened his mouth to say something, but


Stupid bell. I made my way up to chemistry with Ashton. We didn't really get to talk, the hallways are way too loud to hear anything.

I walked into chemistry before the bell rang. I got to my seat, hoping my partner was here today.

5 minutes passed and still not sign of X. Maybe he's not coming again. I was thinking of the possible reasons as to why X wasn't here. I heard the teacher walk over to my desk, but she wasn't alone. Mystery boy was with her. He quietly sat down next to me. So he's X? Great. I can already tell that this will be an interesting year. I looked over at him to see him staring at me. He smirked as he turned away. That's strange. Wait, scratch that, he's strange.

I tried not to focus on him during the class but my eyes kept wandering over to him. We would both glance over at each other from time to time. It was like a little game over something. The bell rang and I watched him leave the room. He disappeared in an instant. I really want to know him now. I don't know why but I'm definitely attracted to him. I found myself drowned in my thoughts, still standing in chemistry. I quickly ran to my next class.

The day was finally over. I found out that mystery boy is in my song writing/ band class. This will be interesting.

I got a ride home from Ashton again. I hugged him and went into my house. I went to my room and took out my phone.

One new message from V

I looked at the text message;

V~ let's have a sleepover! :D

Me~ okay, let's have it at my house

V~ sounds good! see you soon!

I guess I'm having a sleepover with V.

*A/N* Hey! what do you all think? Anybody else shipping Mashton? I think I'm gonna make them date soon, sound good? Anyways, I finally introduced the main person in this book! If you don't know who, it'll fully be revealed in chapter 5.

~Xx Liz

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