Warning: sexual content.
"Do you know, my love,"
Said the Lord of Dart as his wife looked up from the tapestry on which she had been working,
"I have just received the most extraordinary missive from the lady Rosaline."
"Have you?"
Lillis said , setting her needlework on her lap and looked up in her husband's intent face.
Even after ten years of marriage, she still found him extremely attractive if not more than when they had first met.
And with appreciation she let her eyes wander over his handsome face and muscular body.
Although he was a man of great physical activity, he was also a man of business, and it was rare that he should leave his working chamber to visit her in the garden solar, which was her own daily retreat.
He affirmed, frowning at the missive in his hand as he settled next to his wife on the cushioned bench on which she wad sat.
With a careless hand he pushed the tapestry aside, sending it to the floor, and leaned over to kiss her.
Just as absently he sat up again, slipped an arm around her to draw her closer, then set his eyes on the missive once more.
"I shall read it to you,"
He said,
"verbatim.""To Sir Alexander, the Lord of Dart,
I am grateful to you, sir, and to your very good lady for your kind support of my most difficult situation.
Should I require assistance greater than what your brother can provide, you may be certain I shall send word to you at once.
As well, I would ask your forgiveness for my unmannerly departure from Dart.
Although my reasons seemed good to me at the time, there is really no excuse for such coarse behavior, especially after one has received such kind and thoughtful courtesy as you and your lady offered to me during my visit with you.
As you guessed, I have indeed accompanied Harry Styles to his new estate and have agreed to remain here in his service for three months.
Lamentably, Abbotsburry and its people are in a distressing state; thus the need for this missive.
I am writing this under a lot of pressure, I might add, as your extrememy unmannerly brother has set himself guard over me at present and is swearing so loudly at every other sentence I write that if you happen to be out of doors at the moment you will no doubt be able to hear him all the way from Dart."
Alexander looked up from the missive to jis wife and they both laughed.
They both could only imagine what was happening in Abbotsburry at the time.
Knowing full well how stubborn their brother was. And now that he had found a match...
Alexander cleared his throat and pursued the reading.
"The purpose of this missive, my Lord Dart, is to arrange for the people of Abbotsburry to obtain an ample loan from you, said loan to be repaid with interest during the next five harvests Abbotsburry completes.
This loan will be made in provisions, household items, livestock and working men, the cost of which shall be determined and accounted by yourself and made known to me at the time of delivery of goods.

The Mysterious Knight 🏹 🔞 |Harry Styles AU| COMPLETED ✔
Ficción históricaCOMPLETED✔ ENGLAND early 1400s, A Charming ROGUE, And a COUNTESS on a run. Big SECRETS And a troubled PAST CLASHING together. An EVIL uncle, A ruthless FIANCÉ And a whole ARMY chasing after them. It all LEADS to the most DRAMATIC, and FUNNY LOVE s...