Please for those who haven't read the chapter 31 please go read it first.
Apprently some of you didn't get notified when I updated it a few days ago.Amazon's sharp complaints woke Rosaline up, and when her eyes fluttered open she saw that it was already morning.
Pressed against her back, Harry was sleeping like a dead man, exhausted beyond salvation.
Smiling, running a hand gently along the warmth of the arm that held her tight, Rosaline understood perfectly well why that was so.
Her own body felt battered and bruised from all the lovings they had shared last night, that followed until dusk, and she, too, thought she would sleep several more hours.
But Amazon kept complaining, moving back and forth agitatedly on her perch, and Rosaline understood after a moment that the poor creature was hungry.
It took a little work to get Harry to relax his tight grip on her, but eventually Rosaline managed to slip out of the bed.
She put on her chemise.
Alternately clucking and speaking to Amazon in what she hoped was an imitation of the pattern Harry used on the creature, she tied the leather wrist strap to her arm, removed Amazon's hood and gently took the proud bird from her perch.
Continuing to speak softly to the bird, who eyed her with perfect amiability the while, she carried it to the open window.
"Go and break your fast, madam,"
Rosaline said as she lifted her wrist in a motion that sent the bird flying,
"but be pleased to come home when your master calls you."
She watched the magnificent creature fly and listened to its fierce cries.
Rosaline watched the bird fly away into the horizon and suddenly began to tremble.
The import of all that had passed the night before crashed down on her with shattering force.
She was no longer a maiden!
She, the heiress of Valmer, would not go to her marriage bed a maiden!
"God's mercy," she whispered, utterly horrified.
"You told me months ago that you had several birds of your own,"
Harry said sleepily from the bed behind her, making her jump out of her trance.
"and I thought you spoke lies.
I wish I had let you handle Amazon then and seen how skilled you are."Rosaline turned and looked at him.
He was lying against the pillows, magnificently naked, both hands behind his head, and he was smiling at her with eyes filled with love.
"You've only been out of bed for five minutes and I miss you already."
He held out a hand to her, beckoning her back to him.
"Come and lie with me again."
She stared at his hand as though it were an venomous viper.
"Harry," she said, her voice shaking,
"how did you come to discover my whole name?"His hand dropped heavily on the bedclothes, and he breathed out a weary sigh.
"Steward of Hewing...he was at Abbotsburry yesterday."
At her frightened gasp he quickly added,

The Mysterious Knight 🏹 🔞 |Harry Styles AU| COMPLETED ✔
Historical FictionCOMPLETED✔ ENGLAND early 1400s, A Charming ROGUE, And a COUNTESS on a run. Big SECRETS And a troubled PAST CLASHING together. An EVIL uncle, A ruthless FIANCÉ And a whole ARMY chasing after them. It all LEADS to the most DRAMATIC, and FUNNY LOVE s...