My gallery

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On my phone I have different albums for my gallery. Such as screenshots, videos and pictures. But I have this one album that is dedicated to meliodas which is called the "uwu" album

Yes I was that bored to make an album for him

Some pics

Some pics↓↓↓

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This is my favorite one so far↑↑↑

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This is my favorite one so far↑↑↑

Step into my shoes for a sec↓

Anxiety and shy problems be like:

do you ever feel like
P U N C H I N G  T H E  F U C K    
O U T  O F  S O M E B O D Y..

but then your too shy to do it and you're just sit there trying not to cry because they're making fun of you, but you start crying anyway so you put your head down and put your hoodie over your head™! (◉ヮ◉)

Welp byeeeeee~

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