Chapter 43

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I was warm. Cozy even. From the inside out.

There was a quiet shushing noise that seemed to be all around me, and it was so lovely a sound, so comforting, I almost fell back to sleep. But something was prodding me to wake up—something I couldn't quite remember begging me to try harder, to open my eyes.

It was in those moments right before consciousness was fully in my grasp that I registered the pain.

I felt like I'd been hit by a truck.

My legs shifted against stiff bedsheets—sheets that most certainly were not mine—and the movement set the lower half of my body throbbing painfully. Which was when I was able to pinpoint the source of the incredible pain.

Coming from directly in between my legs.

I opened my eyes, remembering, my gaze landing on the far wall first, where a whiteboard was hanging with my name scribbled on it, among other information, including my nurse's name. Tia. She'd just been in here before I fell asleep, helping me feed the baby. I could still feel the ghost of that little mouth on my breast, sucking away, filling me with a shade of love I'd never known. But then my attention shot to my left, where my husband was sitting, bare-chested, a small bundle in his arms.

His green eyes flicked up to mine. A soft smile touched his lips.

"Hi," he whispered.

Happiness and love fluttered up to my chest from the direction of my stomach, and my lips curled up in a smile I couldn't have helped if I'd wanted to.

"Hi." My voice was hoarse, my throat dry, but I didn't care. I only wanted to look at him.

At them. My family. The loves of my life. My entire world.

My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I felt like I was too big for my skin.

"How long was I out?" I asked, feeling like I'd only just dozed off.

Harry's smile became a smirk. "About ten minutes."

A small groan worked its way past my lips in answer as I realized I'd been right. It was almost like all the happiness coursing through me had been poking at my mind, refusing to let me fall asleep for fear that I might miss a moment. And letting my focus land on Harry again, I was more than grateful to be awake.

He was sitting back in his chair, his head against the cushion behind him, his eyes heavy and puffy as he stared at the bundle in his arms. His hair was all tousled, understandably considering the last thirty-six hours. I could only imagine what mine looked like. He needed a haircut, but I kind of loved it at this awkward length. His curls were just beginning to show themselves again.

I sat up a bit against my pillows, wincing as dulled pain grew sharp.

"You alright?" Harry's whispered voice was deep and scratchy.

"Yeah. What time is it?"

I hadn't thought to ask before, when Tia had come in to help me nurse the baby. Feeling groggy and disoriented, I glanced at the wide windows to my right. There were thick curtains pulled across them, and dozens of flowers and stuffed animals lining the radiator beneath it, so I couldn't see if it was light out.

Harry still looked concerned. "It's early. Not even five."

I sighed. "You should get some rest."

He laughed. "Me? I wasn't the one who pushed this beautiful human out of my body less than twelve hours ago."

Was that all it was?

I smiled again, my heart picking up its pace, and patted the bed beside me. "Bring her here."

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