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I finished putting everything in boxes just as soon as the movers arrived. They walked in my room just as I left. Picking a book off the shelf downstairs I decided to read. The book was the first book of the Red Queen series. It was my fourth time rereading the book and I was almost done.

"Fucking Maven." I grumbled and I threw the book across the room.

"Sweetie, I told you not to throw books." My mother said. "Also You should get ready to leave to live in your new house. It's almost noon."

I checked the time and it was 11:27. "I'll give you the address before you leave."

"Ok mom."

"Oh I'm going to miss you. It's going to be so quiet without you here."

"You'll be fine without me and you know it. I'm 23 for fucks sake, I should've moved out a while ago."



"Thank you for doing this May. I know you didn't have to and I'm sorry if I made you feel that you had to. Also I know Ashton might be a little distant at times but please get to know him and try to work this marriage out."

"Of course mom and you didn't make me feel that way. I chose to do it and don't forget that. And I'll try at the whole marriage thing."

"Thank you sweetie. I just want you to be happy."

"Don't worry, I am."

Just then my dad walks in and I know it's time for me to leave. I will no longer be living here by the time night falls. I will be with my fiancé. Yay. I'm thrilled. I hugged my parents goodbye and they gave me the address for the house. The whole way there I listened to music and sang along. I got lost a few times as well but that's a minor detail. When I finally found the home I was shocked.

This house once again had trees leading down the driveway but before I got there, I was stopped by security. Once I told them who I was and they made sure, they let me in.

I drove down the driveway and noticed that the trees were cherry blossom trees and they were beautiful. I absolutely loved how the trees looked.

I continued to drive down the driveway and when the house came into view I was shocked again

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I continued to drive down the driveway and when the house came into view I was shocked again. The house had a pond or I guess a lake right in the front. The house was a tan color and looked to be 3 stories. There was 2 parking garages that I could see and a nice looking car parked in the driveway.

I got out of the car and headed for the door. I knocked on the door forgetting about my key until nobody answered. I realized I placed my new key on my car keys along with many other things. When I walked in I was astonished with the inside. It was just as pretty as the outside full with nice furniture and decorations. Since I didn't see anybody I decided to explore the house.

I wandered around the first floor and found a few living rooms, the kitchen, dinner room, and a few other things. I skipped the second floor and decided to do that floor after. On the third floor there was many bedrooms. On the second floor I found a few bedrooms, an office, the library, and a game room.

I was going to go to the library but I heard voices coming from one of the rooms I hadn't checked out yet. It was another game room. I was about to walk in when I heard my name, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"At least you aren't being married to a psychopath girl who's name sounds as innocent as spring."

"You'll be fine. She can't be that bad."

"Sure. Also what am I going to do with Erica. She forgives me about the fight we had but I don't know how it's going to work if I'm married. I think I'll just tell May straightforward that I love someone else. I'll probably end up staying with Erika even if I'm married."

"Sounds good enough for me. Besides, how dangerous can one girl be."

I walked in the room just as Ashton's friend was taking a shot at pool.

"Eh, ask my ex and he will tell you. Also you can't be the most vicious person either."

Both boys turned and stared at me for a moment before Ashton spoke while giving me a glare which I ignored. "How long have you been there?"

"I was eavesdropping outside the door long enough to learn you think I am a psychopath who has an innocent name and that you are in love with your girlfriend. I didn't hear the name because I got distracted but that's about it."

"Can I play winner?" I asked. "Also what's your name?" I said pointing to Ashton's friend.

"I'm Nick. I'm Ashton's right hand man." He said smiling. "And sure."


"What did happen to your ex?" Asked Nick. Ashton stabbed his foot with the pool stick which made Nick start hopping on one foot.

"I threatened him when we first got together about what I would do if he ever cheated on me and I guess he didn't believe me. So I tied him to a chair while he was still naked from banging the hoe, cut off his dick, put it in a blender with ice, lots of salt, hot sauce and jalapeños. I wasn't going to put hot sauce and jalapeños in there but I found them and decided to add them. Then I mixed all the ingredients together and made him drink all of it. Finally I left and went home to cry about the stupid man. This was 2 days ago." I said holding back all the tears I could. Luckily non slipped out but Nick was terrified. He was holding his balls and incredibly pale. Just like the man at the bar.

"Remind me not to cross you or make you angry." I shrugged my shoulders and Ashton still sent me a glare.

We played pool for a little while longer before Ashton had to go along with Nick. They had a meeting to attend and they wouldn't let me go. At last Nick said I could go but from the grunt Ashton gave he did not approve.

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