Wedding Part 2

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Walking down the aisle is supposed to be the greatest feeling ever. That's what everyone says.

Instead here I am making sure to stand tall, back straight, smile on my face. While looking at everyone around me everything started to become more real. The reality of the situation is starting to set in. I will be Ashton Grays wife until he or I dies and then it will be on to the next alliance.

I finally have the courage to look down the long aisle and see Ashton. Damn am I glad I did. He had his slightly curly brown hair all gelled up and slicked back. He had on a tuxedo which showed off all of his muscles. He also had on the biggest smile....

But the closer I got, I realized it was a fake smile matching mine. I have to remember that this is only an arranged marriage. He will never like me more than that, we can never try to be more than that.

The long aisle suddenly felt very short and within the next few steps we were there. I let go of my fathers arm and he kissed my forehead letting me go to stand by the priest.

He started talking and I drowned him out for a while looking into the crowd and my eyes landed on a particular person.

What is she doing here?

"Does anyone have anything to say or forever hold you peace."

I was expecting Erika to jump up and yell that's my man. Thankfully she kept her mouth shut so we can finish this wedding and go to the after party.

"Do you May Ryder promise through sickness and through health to love and cherish Ashton Gray for forever until death do you apart."

I regained focus and almost didn't know what to say.

I have to do this.

"I do."

I looked back at Ashton but he still had on his same smile. His same fake smile.

"Do you Ashton Gray promise through sickness and through health to love and cherish May Ryder for forever until death do you apart."

"I-" Ashton started but someone interrupted.

"I object!" Yelled Erika. "Ashton and I are still dating and he can't marry that piece of trash. He deserves to marry someone like me who can give him anything he wants."

I was fuming and what does a fuming lady do, she gets ready to yell back. But Ashton got here before I did.

"Erika sit down! This wedding has to go on and if you interrupt this wedding again you will be kicked out."

"You can't marry her. She's ugly and worthless and doesn't deserve you."

Ok I'm through. This girl is going down. "Listen here. I'm marrying Ashton for business, not for love. I didn't make mind if you dated my about to be husband but now I'm starting to think different. You do not show up on my wedding day calling me a piece of trash who is ugly and worthless. You have a choice bitch, you can walk out of here by yourself or the guards will do it for you."

"Ashton won't let that happen and you just jealous because he loves me."

"If I was jealous I would've told him you guys couldn't date. Now get out bitch or the guards will make you."

"Ashton won't let that happen you ugly piece of trash."

I slowly started walk down the stairs to the middle of the aisle where Erika was. She didn't back away or flinch at all when I stood in front of here.

"He taught me how to fight you know."

"Good, but he didn't teach you this." I raised my arm slightly and whipped it at her face. You could here the sound of my hand hand slapping her from anywhere at the wedding. It was that loud.

I turned around and started to go back down the aisle to the stairs when I heard feet running at me. I knew it was Erika. At the last second I turned around and slapped her again.

"Guards. Please take this bitch out of the wedding. Thank you." Two guards went to follow my orders and dragged her away.

"Ashton!" She yelled looking for help. Thankfully he wasn't stupid and didn't do anything.

I walked back up by the priest trying to calm myself down. "Let the wedding continue."

The priest stared at me for a minute before beginning. "Yes mam. Do you Ashton Gray promise through sickness and through health to love and cherish May Ryder for forever until death do you apart."

"I do."

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Ashton and I slowly took a step forward. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. His lips were soft and very kissable. I wouldn't have minded it if it weren't for his bitch of a girlfriend. He let go of me and we were both smiling, mine fake. While looking at him I think I saw a real smile for a second but it was so fast it could've just been nothing.

We thanked everyone who came, which was mostly our alliances and then we went to an after party at the beach. Mia and I went to change into partying clothes and got ready to get drunk.

"How do I look?"


"Are you ok Mia?" Something has been off since before we started to get ready.

"Me and Nick have been sleeping together and I thought we had something but then I saw him leaving with another girl!" She replied very fast. Her eyes started to tear up and I felt bad for her. Sure she's had a few boys in the past that didn't like her but she must've really liked him.

"It'll be ok Mia. Forget about him for tonight. It's time to party. Why don't you dress up your best to show him what he missed out on." I said trying to help the situation.

"You're-you're right. I'm sorry. I know it's your wedding night and you should be having fun."

"Erika ruined that. Now let's get drunk."

The rest of the night went by very quickly with the help of lots of beer. Before I knew it everyone left and it was just family. Slowly I stopped drinking and forced myself to have water before I pass out. While everyone was talking I slipped away and went to the other side of the beach. Without me knowing it, Ashton followed me. I sat down and he plopped down next to me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't do anything stupid."

"No." I said yawning. "Just thinking about stupid things."

"Like what?"

"Erika, your pick in girls, the wedding."

He didn't speak after a moment. Feeling more tired I rested my head on his shoulder since he sat down really close to to me.

"I'm sorry about Erika and the wedding, and my pick in girls."

"Don't be. Not everyone can pick good girls to date. Some just pick bitches, like you." I said yawning again."

"You sure speak your mind." He mumbled but I heard it all.


"Why do you date her?"

"We've been together for forever and there is nothing bad in our relationship."

"Do you love her? Don't be afraid to say yes." I said almost asleep now.

"I- I don't think so now that you mention it. I don't think I ever have really loved her."

"So why are you with her?" That was the last thing I said before falling asleep on Ashton's shoulder.

"I don't know May. I don't know."

Please vote and comment if you like the story and please check out my other story Her Broken Savior. It only has one chapter and I won't update it again until I finish this story. Or I will try not to. Thank you and please check it out.

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