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Hours after hours passed and before you know it the clock struck midnight.

You sat on your bed writing in your journal humming softly to yourself. The night was peaceful as mostly everyone in the palace was asleep.

You stood up turning off your light proceeding to look for the candle you had earlier.

Eventually you found it on your dresser when you noticed a small stuffed bear behind the small golden jewelry box you were given.

You picked up the bear lighting the candle carrying it to your bed sitting it down on your nightstand holding the bear in your left hand.

The grey fur was soft against your fingertips as you straightened its little black bow tie that sat neatly on his neck.

However only one of its button eyes remained as the other one was gone and replaced with a stitched X.

You smiled softly sitting the bear down walking over to your balcony. You opened the doors stepping out breathing in the fresh air.

The cold wind blew through your hair as you sighed resting your arms on the boundary.

"Ara what are you doing up so late?" Jungkook asked looking up at you from the garden as you jumped back startled.

"I couldn't sleep." You said as he nodded. "Well if you want you can come out here with me for a little." He suggested as you nodded walking into your bedroom shutting the door.

You put on a lavender wool sweater wrapping it around your arms sliding on your house shoes and walking out your bedroom.

You tiptoed down the stairs walking into the garden. You saw Jungkook standing by the roses as you walked over to him.

"Why are you still awake?" You asked quietly as he turned to you giving you a gentle smile.

"I can't sleep." He said as you nodded. "How about you?" He asked as you looked up at the sky.

"Just became a habit besides I'm not tired." You said as he looked down. "What was it like, where you lived?" He asked suddenly as you glanced over at him.

"It's not as bad as people make it, not all the people are dangerous. They are treated fairly. However there are the rouge guards and residents." You said as Jungkook nodded.

"My mother told be that you have night terrors because of the war is that true?" He asked as you sighed nodding.

"Just paranoia, it's nothing to be concerned about." You said picking a rose from the garden.

He watched as you continued to talk. "It's only because of the air strikes and the battles." You said putting the rose in his hands.

"I'm sorry you have to experience that." He said as you shook your head. "Don't be, everyone experiences something upsetting in their lives it's how they handle it that matters." You said smiling at him.

"Well, me and Taehyung are going to the village tomorrow morning if you want to come along." Jungkook said as you nodded.

"I'd love to go." You said as you began took off your slippers sitting them in the gazebo.

He followed as you walked towards the small pond sitting down on the small bench.

"Going around shoeless huh?" He joked as you stuck out your tongue as he laughed sitting down next to you.

The two of you sat in silence as you looked up at the stars. The sky was clear as the moon shinned bright.

You rested your head on Jungkook's shoulder closing your eyes as he stiffened for a minute before relaxing again.

He reached down and found your hand intertwining your fingers giving your hand a light squeeze.

"I don't even know you but I feel like we're going to be good friends, as if I can tell you anything." You whispered as he smiled  moving a strand of hair from your face.

"I know we will be." He said quietly looking up into the sky watching the stars.

Ten minutes you were out cold as he reached under your legs picking you up bridal style holding your slippers in his other hand.

He walked into the palace shutting the door behind him walking up the stairs.

One of the guards noticed Jungkook as he walked down the hall. "Need any help sir?" He asked as Jungkook shook his head.

"No thank you." He said opening your bedroom door laying you onto your bed.

He noticed the small stuffed bear and sat it on your nightstand on top of your journal blowing out your candle.

He gave you a small smile walking out your bedroom shutting the door behind him walking towards his bedroom.

He looked back at your bedroom door smiled and walked into his room shutting the door quietly behind him.

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