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You sat at the long wooden table as the servant walked by placing a bowl of Kimchi-jjigae in front of you.

"Here you go your highness." He said bowing as you gave him a weak smile nodding your head whispering a silent thank you.

He nodded opening a bottle of wine pouring it into the glass sitting next to you.

"So tomorrow you will meet with the guard to arrange plans for the battlefield." The commander said walking into the room.

"Then you'll have to do the roundabouts of the village along with daily check ups in the market." He said as you nodded when the middle aged woman who sat next to you spoke up.

"Give the girl a break her father just pas-" She was cut off almost immediately by the commander slamming his hands on the table.

"Stay in your place maid!!" He snapped as you shot him a look. "Do not disrespect her." You said giving him a dangerous look as he raised an eyebrow.

"Correct me your highness but this maid needs to stay in her place, as your father's trusted friend I will enforce that." He said as you rolled your eyes.

"This maid has a name and this maid is my only mother figure so if she believes that your happy ass needs to pipe down on the task do so." You snapped as the room went silent.

"Your highness-" You cut him off with a shout of anger as you grabbed your knife pointing it between his eyes.

"Silence." You warned as he nodded bowing at you.

"My apologies." He said walking out the room. You adjusted your dress sitting down finishing your wine.

Many didn't know about how close you were to the maid. Her name was Seo Yoon and she was like the mother you never had.

Ever since your mother passed she took care of you. She was the only woman who was ever close to your father besides you and your mother.

As you ate nobody dared to speak hell nobody really dared to breathe. Nobody admitted it. But you were as scary as your father, sometimes even scarier.

It was always the quiet ones who tend to snap easily. The quiet ones who were the deadliest.

You made one thing clear, Your family meant everything to you and if anyone dared to disrespect them in your presence they were simply a fool.

You looked at the time and decided eventually it was time to get ready. You stood up excusing yourself walking out of the dining room without another word.

A few hours later.

You looked in the mirror putting on the black hood on your dress.

You smiled sliding on your sandals rushing out the door. As you walked through the village the cold wind brushing against your skin.

As you entered the woods a sudden chill ran through your body as you sighed walking towards the stream.

"I didn't think you'd make it." Jungkook said as you walked past a tree to see him sitting down on a rock tossing pebbles into the stream.

"I told you I was going to come." You whispered sitting down next to him as he smiled nodding.

"Well I'm glad you did, the castle is really lonely now." He said as you laughed. "Mine is too, the guards are always trying to boss me around and the maids won't even speak to me anymore." You said sighing.

"At least yours shut up all they do is flirt with me and my brothers. It's really uncomfortable." You laughed as he frowned playfully.

"Not funny." You shrugged. "I think it is." He laughed standing up picking up the picnic basket from besides him.

"Well now that you're here I have somewhere to show you." He said taking your hand flashing you a smile before guiding you through the forest.

After a few minutes he pulled back some branches and vines as you walked through the entrance he made.

To your surprise there was a abandoned gazebo by a crystal clear lake surrounded by plants and rocks.

"Woah." He smiled walking over towards the gazebo putting down the basket as you smiled walking around.

"Trust me it's more beautiful during the day time." He said as you nodded sitting down next to him.

"So why did you bring me here?" You asked as he smiled opening the basket pulling out a bottle of champagne and a box of pastries.

"I wanted to be with my friend, besides I miss hanging out with you." He said as you smiled taking a cookie out the little box.

"Sugar cookie?" You asked as he nodded. "All Jin and I made were sugar cookies, chocolate chip, and snicker doodle." He said as you laughed.

"Do I smell basic?" You joked. He gasped rolling his eyes. "I am not basic...I just don't know how to bake anything else." He said in defense taking a bite out the cookie.

You smiled eating your cookie swinging your feet. He reached for the champagne as you raised an eyebrow.

"Sure you can open it?" You asked as he nodded. "Of course, they don't call me the golden maknae for not-" He was interrupted by his own scream as he popped open the bottle mid sentence.

"Well then golden maknae, you did a good job." You said as he nodded smiling softly grabbing the two glasses pouring the champagne.

"Why champagne?" You asked as he shrugged. "Only thing I could find, why so many questions?" He said as you rolled your eyes taking a sip from your glass.

After thirty minutes Jungkook packed up the cookies and champagne and guided you back to your palace.

"Your guards still don't like me so I'll have to leave you at the gates but I won't leave until you get inside." He said as you gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you, see you tomorrow?" You said as he nodded reaching into his pocket wrapping a gold necklace with a amethyst gem in the middle around your neck.

"As always. Good night princess sleep well." He said pulling away walking towards the village as you nodded walking through the gates shutting them behind you.

You stopped at the front door turning to face him waving goodbye before entering the palace the doors shutting behind you.

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