Chapter Nine

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Beautiful rays of sun shimmers on the blue and white car, reflecting rising sunlight into our eyes. As I squint to focus, my eyes betray me with every passing seconds until, finally and riveting, I see two figures step out of each side of the car.

They're coming.

Erick spins in his seat, unsparingly pressing onto the horn of the wheel, sending a violent scream from the car we sit in. Swiftly, he lets go of the horn and looks into the rear view mirror, a sense of anger glaring through his green eyes.

I turn in my seat, meeting their curious gaze. Not a moment before we had just spoken to them, and now we're creating chaos of noise in the early hours of the morning.

"What are you doing?" I hiss.

"Distracting them," he explains. He continues to stare into the mirror, as if he can tell them to go away through his thoughts.

"By bringing them closer to the house?" I question. I look to my left, to the house and to the door Justin stands behind.

"By bringing them to us. If they're busy speaking to us, Justin can sneak around the back." Erick presses again onto the horn, but this time only for a second. I face to the two officers striding down the pavement, closer to us and the house.

"This isn't going to work," I exclaim. "The man is already too skeptical."

"If I don't do this, they'll snoop around outside the house and trap Justin in there. Have you got any other ideas?" he retaliates.

Instead of responding, I step out of the car. "I can't believe you!" I scream. The female cop speeds up her pace, and instead of investigating the reasoning of the noise from Erick, she greets me.

"Is everything OK?" she asks. Her brown hair is lit up from the sun rise behind her, creating a halo effect. If I wasn't so panicked, I could admire her and her natural beauty. But I can't.

"No, not at all," I admit, which is the first truth I've told. Her partner who has been behind is now here, walking to the door of the car I left wide open. I watch him bend down and socialise with Erick before I say, "I can't handle this. I'm going inside, you have to keep him away from me."

Furrowing her eyebrows, I turn to walk closer to the house, to somehow help Justin and get him away from this place. But before I can get far, she says, "I can't let you do that."

"Why not?" I ask, shifting my body to her, to avert her attention away from the house.

"There's been an anonymous tip of a most wanted criminal sheltering here. We've been watching this road all night, and suddenly you and your boyfriend appear. My partner, Sal, searched the known associates of this wanted criminal, and it's known you're Justin Bieber's very own love interest."

She rests her hand on her hip, it being so close to the pistol gun resting. "I've told the police already. I don't know where he is." Her right eyebrow rises slowly into her forehead, which creates creases and raises awareness to her old age.

"I would believe you, if the anonymous person isn't so insistent that he's here," she admits. "You running out of the house wasn't very smart."

"There's no strategy to this," I tell her. "I have a flight. What problem is there?" I hear the car door opening, and looking to Erick, he gets out. Sal straightens and steps beside the woman in front of me.

"Erick's obliging. He's agreed to come to the station," Sal informs her. He looks to me and the house behind. I see the thirst of knowledge swimming in his eyes, the need of wanting to know if Justin Bieber is behind that door.

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