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Climbing into the car, I sit beside my son in a car seat, wrapped with a purple blanket and fast asleep. Smiling, I hear Justin start the engine and Leo chatter beside him, but all I can focus on is my baby, silent and peaceful. I watch Erick fade away as we travel away, seeing his sunken eyes scream for redemption and regret, seeing his eyes grow red and build tears, swimming down his cheek with a sense of abandonment.  

Justin's laughing, either at Leo or with relief of finally removing people out of life, only surrounding himself with people he loves and loves him back. Finally not giving into people, giving them a reaction and playing tug of war. Years spent on hatred with Nick, the chains now slipping away from his neck, forgiving Nick without saying so, because he now can move on with becoming a better person for our son. Not needing to see Nick and give into the war, he won't give him the satisfaction Nick blatantly wants. 

 I brush away the strings around my wrists, rubbing the marks Nick left. I have to remind myself that Nick and I's relationship isn't anything personal, but something he had to do as a final haunt to Justin. I should've known before, listened to Justin's warnings of Nick instead of the other way. Nick's continuous tease of Justin, building a virus in my mind of worry between Justin and I's compatibility and love. Nick was an illness I had to fight, but I won. I saw him as the person Justin was painting all along. 

I can only imagine the reaction Nick will have when Erick tells him Justin left without seeing him, the disappoint that will bubble inside of him. The emptiness that will attack him, him no longer having anyone to fight against and damage. History of Nick's and Justin's relationship may forever be unknown, but maybe that's how it should be left. No longer digging deeper, focusing on the toxic relationship. It's better to be left in the past and I won't argue with that. 

There's only now the future to focus on. Not having Erick in our lives anymore will leave a hole, but it's not irreplaceable. We will find our new and better Erick, maybe he's in the front seat with Justin now. I just know that people will come and go throughout our life, but Justin and I will always be there on the other side. His return just shows this. We will always find each other again. With the new addition of our son, the tie is even stronger. 

We drive and drive, the sun falling and the moon greeting us. We're met with nothing but hope. 

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