Chapter 22 | Chaos and misfortune

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Ugh my head hurts...

I rubbed my head and stood up. I dusted myself and looked at the pile of books I crashed into.

I rolled my eyes and picked them up one by one,

"Pffft if she wasn't jealous then she could've said no" I said to myself.

( but she didn't )

I placed them on the stool and saw one book left on the ground

I picked it up and examined it.

Weird how can be a book so light as a feather.

I gasped after opening it.

No way...

It's not a book...

It's a ... case for a scroll...

I took out the scroll and opened it.

I read the title and cheered,

Yes!!!! This is exactly what we needed!!!

I quickly flew down and ran towards the captain.

"Captain! Captain!" I called

She turned to face me and said,

"what? you want to crash somewhere else again?"

Damn so savage...

I frowned a bit and showed her the scroll..

She read it and looked at me,

She smiled, "good job recruit, or..should I say... soldier" she said and saluted.

I felt pride and confidence taking over me, the captain just saluted to me...

I kept my balance to make sure I won't faint to this glorious moment of my life! XD

I kept my cool and returned the smile, "th-thank you captain"

"I'll inform this to the others. By the way it's a lucky thing you found it, where though?" She asked

"Oh it's when I crashed into the pile of books while you were doing your count down to death at me" I said

She grinned and said, "guess the crash was worth it after all huh?"

I blushed for a moment and said replied, "y-yeah"

She chuckles and flies away.

My cheeks heated and I watched her fly away.

I touched my cheeks and that's when I heard a cough from behind.

I saw fleetfoot, spitfire, and rapidfire giving me grins.

Oh crap...

"Hey guys" I casually said like they saw nothin' which they haven't!

"Hey" they replied and snickered

"So what do you want?" I asked

"We want an answer" fleetfoot grinned.

I looked at spitfire who was snickering along with rapid.

I then looked over at wave who was grumpily walking towards the library.
I walked towards spitfire and took her away from the others.

"Hey!" She yelled.

"Hey um I need to talk to you about something" I said in a low voice so nopony else could hear.

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