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Rainbow Dash's POV











A flash appeared then I found myself sitting on a white surface, I looked around and everything was white.

I heard hoofsteps coming closer.

I couldn't stand up.

I didn't even know what was happening...

I gasped when I saw rapidfire, wavechill, fleetfoot, and spitfire.

"Guys!" Called

They smiled then they sat beside me.

"Hey Dashie" fleetfoot winked.

"I don't understand, how are you all here?" I asked confusedly

They looked at each other then spitfire said

"Dash" she looks at me,

"You have to wake up!" She said

I was now even more confused.

"Wake up? What do you mean? Am I dreaming?" I asked

"There's no time to explain!" Rapidfire spoke

"You have to help soarin out there!" He added

I looked at them unamusedly

"And how am I supposed to do that!? Do you want me to sit down close my eyes, and say there's no place like home, there's no place like home there's no place like ho-"

Rapid covered my mouth then glared at me.


Spitfire chuckled then cleared her throat.

"Uh no that'll be cringe worthy..." She commented.

"I get the 'i should wake up' part but I don't understand why I'm in a place with you guys"

"We're just here to help you out before you pass out completely and never wake up" wave explained

"Wait, what happened to me!?" I asked worriedly

"Soarin will explain that to you" spitfire spoke.

I nodded.

The moment after I blinked they were gone!

I must be going nuts..


I heard the same voice again...

I followed it then saw a shiny white door.

"Rainbow wake up please!"

It spoke again,

I walked towards it.

It's coming from here..


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