chapter 23 | •••The crystal cave of truth •••

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We managed to get away and rested in a cave we found.

We made a campfire pit and rested for a while.

"I'm... Sorry we couldn't save Everypony" the captain said,

We all looked at her then looked at each other. Unfortunately not all of us were lucky enough to get away from sombra's soldiers.

There are only 6 of us left, (me, the captain, spitfire, wavechill, fleetfoot, and rapidfire)

I sat beside her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "You shouldn't be sorry cap, none of us were expecting a break in. Besides we still have one hope left that'll save Everypony." I said trying to encourage her to keep her spirit up.

she still looks so desperate, I looked at the other guys who were miserable too.

"Come on guys don't tell me you're all just gonna give up!"

"How are you so calm about this? All the ponies we care about are under the spell of sombra!" rapid said

"I know that already rapid! But we can't sit around now! Time is running out and we still have to find the heart! It's our only chance to save Equestria and everypony. I'm saying this now because I don't want any of you all to loose hope!"

I heard spitfire chuckle, "we should start calling you captain soarin now huh?" She teased

I scowled.

They then started to laugh, spitfire grinned at me and said, "if you wanted to cheer everypony up you need to do a better job" she teased

I crossed my arms and sat back down.
" So, what now?" Fleetfoot asked .

"We have to keep going with the plan, I have the map and it will guide us throughout our journey" the cap replied.

We continued talking for about an hour then we slept.


She woke us all up early, and I mean-VERY EARLY! heck it's still dark outside!!!

We headed out then started following the captain...

"alright everyone keep your eyes peeled for any sort of danger in our way" the cap commanded.

" Where are we heading again? I forgot" wave spoke,

"To the crystal cave. That's where the crystal heart is probably hidden" she said

I looked at her confusedly, weird that doesn't seem right.

"Hey cap" I started

"What?" She asked

"I don't think that's where the crystal heart is" I said

"It's the 'crystal' cave soarin, its got to be in there" wave stated.

"No that's not it. The crystal heart is located at the crystal empire right? It's protecting the crystal empire from the winter storm before Sombra started attacking" I said summarizing
the brief history of the crystal empire I found on the scroll.

"True, Sombra probably destroyed the crystal heart already so that nothing can be used to defeat against him, but the crystal cave is where the crystal heart was made before it was founded as protection for the crystal empire" the cap explained

" come I didn't know that" I said

"Uhm, the scroll you gave me yesterday gave me this info, didn't you read it?" She asked me.

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