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please vote :( don't be a silent reader, enjoy this somewhat boring/long chapter!

It's been 2 weeks since i've last seen Harry and for some reason i miss messing around with him. I go downstairs and i see my dad ready to leave.

"Olivia i'm having a small party tonight so here" he grabs his credit card and hands it to me "Buy something to wear tonight i would like you to meet someone" my father says i nod in response and grab his credit card "Tell taylor to take you wherever you would like, I have to go now, but please don't wear anything.. slutty" he emphasized the last word before i get a chance to respond he leaves. I see my dad tell taylor something which i only assume was him commanding taylor to take me somewhere.

Party? another party. What the hell is it with business men and parties? and who the hell am i going to meet?

Taylor comes in and says "Would you like to go now?" i nod and following him to the car, he opens my door and shuts it as soon as i get in. "Where to Miss. Avery?" he turns on the car "nearest mall?" i say and he nods.

* * *

After spending about an hour and a half in Nordstrom rack i finally find a decent red bodycon dress that fits me well and that doesn't look slutty. Well maybe a little.

Taylor drives us back to the house where i see my dad's car parked in the driveway which meant the party had to be important if he's here early.

I didn't really need a fancy dress because i wasn't going to the party to impress i could care less about a business party, but i know it would upset my dad so i just bought a decent dress and left.

When we get inside the smell of food fills my nostrils. "Olivia start getting ready dear the party starts in 2 hours" my dad says walking up to me "I'll just get ready the last 30 minutes" i say, but he shakes his head "No i know how you females are about "getting ready" he says in air quotes "Your mother used to say that all the time and took a good hour if not two hours, so i'm giving you time to get ready" he adds.

"Fine" i go upstairs to my room and begin "getting ready".

Once i'm out of the shower i let myself dry off and start doing my hair. I straighten my hair and curl the ends to give my hair some life, whoever i'm meeting better appreciate all of this because i don't just get ready for anyone. After changing and i decide on going with some black ankle heels.

While i was changing i did hear the doorbell go off a couple of times maybe everyone is here?

I look in the mirror one last time checking myself up and down. Looking hot as fuck.

I make my way down the stairs in search of my dad, but no luck. On my search of finding my dad i get looks from middle aged men starting at me or my ass. Perverts.

When i go outside i see him talking to a man with jet black hair. My dad sees me and waves me over to him. "Olivia i would like you to meet Zayn, Zayn Malik" he says.

The man turns around to face me and he takes a look at me from head to toe and extends his hand I shake his hand and introduce myself "I'm Olivia" i say looking at his hazel colored eyes.

He turns my hand and kisses it I smile in response. He isn't bad looking and he can't be older than 25, maybe even the same age as Harry? Harry.

I was too busy thinking of this stupid party to think if  he would show up. I look around and see men with their wife's, but no sign of brown curls with olive green eyes. "Let's go inside" zayn says and i nod.

He grabs my hand and leads me inside the house, he takes me to the dinning room where we sit with other people and maids bring out the food. "How do you know my dad" i ask digging into my food he looks at me and says "Business partners" I hear a little bit of an accent and i can't help, but wonder if he's from the UK?

"Where are you from?" i ask in curiosity "Bradford, England" he simply states. After a few minutes of getting to know Zayn I spot this couple walking in. A petite brunette and a tall male he looks around until i finally realize who it is, his familiar green eyes look into mine and then look to who's beside me. Zayn. He clenches his jaw and walks towards us.

I immediately look down and Zayn catches on "Is something wrong?" he asks but before i can answer Harry buds in "Well, Well, Well" he says Zayn looks at him and smiles "Harry" Zayn says they shake hands while i sit there uncomfortably and the brunette he's with is just on her phone i look her up and down, she looks like a whore.

"This is Olivia" zayn introduces harry to me, but little does he know harry and i have known each other. I get up and stand next to zayn and he wraps his arm around my waist, i catch harry clenching his jaw and i smile. "Harry baby can we go get some champagne" the brunette said her voice was so high pitched and annoying. He rolled his eyes "Go get some then" he told her.

I looked at zayn and said "Can we go outside i need some fresh air" he nodded and he led me outside. I took a last look at Harry and gave him a smirk..

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