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When i step in the aroma of chicken fills my nostrils. Harry puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me to the dinning room. The only sound heard were my heels clicking on the wooden floors and the low jazz music.

As Harry is walking me, i can't help but admire his house, it's so basic yet beautiful. His living room and dinning room were connected, you could see his wine cabinet across just scattered with wine.

He extended my chair and i sat down thanking him. He opened his wine cabinet and grabbed a wine bottle also grabbing two wine glasses. He begins pouring my drink.

Two women come out with a plate each of what looks like.. Pasta? "Chicken Carbonara" harry says answering my thoughts. It looks delicious just like him.

After eating i'm feeling tipsy due to the fact that I drank almost 3 bottles of wine with harry. "Do you want more love?" he asks i giggle and shake my head no.

Harry's POV

I get up from my seat and make my way towards Olivia who is giggling like crazy. "Whats so funny?" i stand besides her. I watch as she gets up from her seat and struggles to stand "We only had a couple of drinks" i chuckle. She leans into me for support, then looks at me with closed eyes "I'm fine—I" she laughs.

She looks so beautiful under the lights, the way her skin glows is magical. I grab her by her chin and attach my lips on hers. Her hands roam to my shirt "Touch me" she says through the kiss. I grab her hips and set her on the table.

Olivia slowly starts unbuttoning my shirt, i quickly detach our lips and throw my shirt across the room quickly reattaching her my lips with hers. She grabs one of my hands and places it on her thigh while the other is grabbing her face. My lips roam to her neck sucking in the skin harshly, i watch how the skin turns purple in a matter of seconds. Mine.

"Harry" she moans

i hum in response

"fuck me" she says and i stop my actions. I look at her "What?" i question. Olivia reaches for my belt "Fuck. Me" she says slowly looking at me dead in the eyes.

She's just a child Harold, she's just a child.

She attaches her lips to my neck and starts planting wet kisses.

I grab her by her waist and carry her up to my bedroom.

i've had this chapter in my drafts since like forever but never finished it. Sorry for being gone for who knows how long. i hope you had a wonderful 4th of july if you live in america or a wonderful canada day! please vote!! love you - x

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