part 5 - it's going to start right now

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Jessica starts walking away from the car and doesn't look back. Let's go to this shop it looks fun joyska suddenly says. Y-yeah your probably right Jessica says we can go check it out. Suddenly her eyes focus on a pair of extremely cute pink hoodie with a bear on it. Omg this is so cute she says I want this so badly. Whoa you can't just buy something joyska says you need to see if it fits first. Oh yeah your right Jessica says. She goes towards a changing room and steps inside changes her clothes with the hoodie. After she's done joyska asks to show her how they look. She steps out of the changing room and joyska has a lustful yet lovely look in her face. I'm ... not so sure Jessica says it feels good and has wool inside but does it really fit me ? Of course it does sweetie joyska says you look gorgeous in that hoodie. Jessica shows a smile and goes back into the changing room. This time she comes out with her normal clothes on and asks if she can have more clothes like those. O-ofcourse joyska says I'll bring you some more and you just have to say what you think is good okay sweetie ?. Okay thanks Jessica says and she smiles. After about half an hour joyska comes back with what looks like a tower of clothes. She puts them inside the changing room and let's Jessica choose what she likes and what looks good. After about 2 hours they are done and go to the cash register to pay for the clothes the cash register looks weirdly at Jessica and says wow you want to buy a lot of clothes at once. Ye....... joyska puts her hands in front of Jessica's mouth and says yes she sold all her other clothes because they were too small. Oh okay the woman at the cash register says. She scans the clothes and after a while they come out to a cost of 250 euros. WOW that's that's a lot Jessica says it's literally half our budget. Yeah Joyska says it literally is. They leave the shop and go to a jewellery shop. There Jessica can't keep her eyes off of all the shiny things and she buys a watch with pink diamonds and a necklace with a gorgeous emerald and ruby that are combined into one. It's getting late Jessica says we should probably get going to your house. Nope joyska says I havent shown you my surprise yet. Oh what is it then ? Jessica asks. Oh you'll see joyska answers. She blindfolds Jessica and leads her towards a store. We are here she says. Jessica undoes herself of the blindfold and sees a pharmacy. Why are we at a pharmacy? Jessica asks. Because we're going to get your hormones joyska says while smiling. Really ? Jessica asks. Yes really joyska answers. They step inside the pharmacy and go towards the worker and show the paper. Oh the worker says your lucky it's the last one in our stock at the moment. Jessica looks excited and takes the hormones. Joyska pays for them and they step outside the pharmacy. Let's go home joyska says it's getting really late. Yes your right sweetheart Jessica says it's better that we go towards your house.

End of part 5

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