part 8 - don't fear what hasn't happened yet

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We're here joyska says with a excited voice we're at school. Oh yeah it's probably going to be so fun Jessica says with a sigh. What's wrong? Joyska asks what are you thinking about?. It's nothing Jessica says I just can't believe my dad killed himself. She looks down at the ground and a tear slides down her cheek. Joyska hugs Jessica tightly and kisses her lips. It'll be alright joyska says I know it's hard now but I promise you we'll do anything to make my family feel like yours. Jessica looks up at joyska with crying eyes yet a smile. Thanks so much honey she says. It's no problem sweetie joyska says I'll do anything for you. They step outside the vehicle and go towards the principals office. Wait why are we at the principals office? Jessica asks. Because we need to explain that your mom can't pick you up joyska says and that she can't be reached because of THAT reason. Oh yeah your right Jessica says with a extremely nervous voice. The two girls step inside the principals office together with joyska's mom. Hi joyska and Hi miss cathy the principal says. Wait your moms name is cathy ? Jessica whispers to joyska. Yes joyska whispers back. Oh the principal says with a surprised look on his face who might this new girl be? I've never seen her before in this school. This is Jessica josyka says. jessica ainsworth she continues. Oh the principal says with a weird look on his face I didn't know Jamie had a sister. She is not Jamie's sister joyska's mom interrupts Jamie doesn't exist. The principal has a angered but questioning look on his face what do you mean Jamie doesn't exist he goes to this school I've seen him two days ago he says. No oh no your getting it wrong joyska's mom says the Jamie you knew doesn't exist anymore because she never was Jamie she was a Jessica her whole life. The principal looks at Jessica with a smile. Sorry for this mistake young lady he says I'll make sure every teacher knows that they have a new student called Jessica and I'll tell them to erase the name Jamie because he died in an accident. Jessica looks at the principal why an accident ? She asks. Because the Jamie they know is dead REBORN as Jessica the one she always was the principal says. Jessica looks with a smile at the principal thanks a lot Mr.nufaro. the principal startles oh my he says your voice is very deep Jessica well need to do something about that. Oh I know the principal continues you could follow voice therapy so your voice can go a bit higher. Does that even exist? Jessica asks. Yes it does and is very helpful for trans people like you the principal says. Wow I'll surely do that Jessica says thanks for the suggestion.  The principal smiles and says no problem.

End of part 8

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