part 7 - when school becomes a fear

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It's morning again and joyska's mom wakes up joyska and Jessica. Wake up loveydovey's she says. Joyska wakes up as first. Awww five more minutes mom please. No you don't get five more minutes joyska's mom says. Ah fine joyska says she softly let's go of Jessica and gets put of bed. At that moment Jessica wakes up. Mhmm what's happening ? She asks. It's time to go to school joyska answers your lucky we go to the same school my mom is willing to pick you up and drop you off together with me. Oh that's great I guess Jessica says in a sleepy voice how late is it actually ? She asks. It's 7:45 am joyska's mom says with a happy voice. Let's go joyska says otherwise we'll be late. Jessica gets out of bed and puts on her long hair wig and gets dressed. Do you really need the wig? joyska's mom asks. Yes Jessica answers it makes me feel better. Okay if you feel better that way then it's good joyska's mom says. Let's go joyska says in a little more impatient voice. Ah fine I'm ready Jessica answers and sorry if I am a little rude I have a bad mood in the morning. It's no problem honey most people do joyska says so are you ready now ?. Yes I'm ready let's go now Jessica says but gets stopped by joyska's mom. Your not ready yet she says. She shows a backpack with the letters bts on it and some persons. Omg I love this group Jessica says. I figured joyska's mom says I heard you listening it in the night because you couldn't sleep and I also heard something else but that doesn't matter she says. Jessica and Joyska start blushing. Anyway joyska's mom says let's get into my car and go to your school. On the way to school joyska sees that Jessica had a very worried look on her face. What's wrong she asks. Well you see Jessica says I'm scared that people are going to be like my parents that they'll freak out or even worse attack me. Joyska looks at Jessica and holds her hands. Look listen closely she says there are people who accept us the lgbt community but there are also a lot of haters but I'll help you and protect you okay honey. Joyska gives Jessica a kiss on the lips and sees that they have arrived at school.

End of part 7

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