Number One

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Korudo paces back and forth in her dimly lit lab.
Every few minutes she anxiously checks her silver watch.

There's a knock on her door.

"Number Four...stop leaving your room without permission." She growls.

Four opens the door and in a military fashion she says
"My apologies ma'am, I noticed it is ten thirty and Number One is still not back."

Korudo nods.
"Yes, that's right."

"What if she's dead?" Asks Four, not in a concerned tone, it's not the girl she's worried about.

Korudo doesn't respond. One isn't dead.

"Mistress, send me! I'll find her and I'll kill X! It would be my honor!" Four bows deeply, she looks to her lower leg which hasn't fully reanimated from the last time she melted away the skin and muscle.

"You're not a bloodhound, you're not unkillable. Get out." Korudo commands.

Four looks offended but she'd never talk back to her mistress, so she leaves the room promptly but minutes later Korudo hears old hospital machines being ripped out the wall in the room next door.

"Number Four!" She snaps and the destruction ceases.

Sometimes she wishes she had made Four a bloodhound. That undying loyalty, her raw, unassisted strength, her ambition, she seems like someone who could do dirty work nobody else wanted to do. Unfortunately her self control was nonexistent and that was Four's only folly.

Instead, Four had gained the ability to melt away her skin and muscle without dying, essentially turning herself into a living skeleton. It seems more impressive than it is as the only things it's good for is defence and fear, it serves no aid for someone so adamant on fighting.

Korudo thinks Four is a waste of this advancement as she clearly doesn't care for it too much. All she wants is to track and kill.

Sometimes Korudo wishes she could trade Four's life for Three's. Three died a long time ago, during Korudo's first tests of human advancements.

But she had liked Three, she had liked Two as well. Two's death was what led Korudo to try her hand at making advanced humans, so that they could fight back and protect themselves.

But as science often goes too far Korudo found herself taking more than her fair share of subjects. A total of twelve in fact. And she hardly cares for them like she had in the beginning. She wanted to know her limits, she wanted to make a superhuman.

She glances at her watch again.
The closest she had ever gotten was Number One, her bloodhound. She's the one that dealt with those who knew too much, and she always returned quickly. Not today.

"One..." she tapped her foot against the floor. Of all her children, all her mutants, One was her favourite. She wasted no time on tears like the other pathetic patients.
She was perfect.

Just an hour late...but still One was never late.
Just like...Hitomi.

Hitomi was always on time to their dates, and he always made sure their daughter went to bed on time...
Gosh, she missed him.

Korudo could still hear the judge standing in front of her, his voice booming through the courtroom as he asked
"Do you plead guilty to the murder of Hitomi Korudo?"

Her blood boiled.
"I didn't kill him, and I have a daughter to go home to- you know what?
She doesn't have a dad. You're putting all these crazy ideas in my baby girl's head that I'm the reason Hitomi's gone!"

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