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Alex's P.O.V

Walking outside, my arm around her shoulder, the night felt great. Beautiful. I'm hanging out with my best friend. Right, yeah, that's clarified. We were only friends. Nothing less. Nothing more. We would probably not be in that cliché story where two best friends fall in love. Nope. It most likely will not happen. And that truly sucks.

Sophie means the world to me. We've been best friends since I can remember. 

"Hey, race you to the park," She said and ran off. 

I ran after her, the trees became blurred, the lights were beaming from the poles, my head felt dizzy, but the feeling- the acceleration, the rush of my adrenaline, all of it truly was worth it. I felt alive. I felt free. I felt happy. And most of all I felt at peace. I felt like everything that has happened these past couple of months has just been lifted off me. I feel like I'm not being pulled back by ropes anymore, that I now have the ability to breathe, to run, to feel free. 

I finally got to the park to notice that Sophie was already there waiting for me, on the swings. She laughed when she saw me wandering around the park, looking for her. 

"You lose! Yes! I win! I win!"She started dancing and kept on saying she won over and over again. I just stared at her. Call me a creep, but when you see beauty you honestly need to appreciate it. 

"What? Do I have something in my face?"She asked, beginning to wipe it, rapidly and harshly. 

"No, no there wasn't anything. I'm sorry." I told her and chuckled, nervously. 

"Don't be silly," She swatted my shoulder, playfully. 

"Here," She handed me the swing to her right, 

"Swing with me?" She asked. 

"Sure," I nodded. 

"Alex, why did you start dating Amanda?" She asked me, her eyes not meeting mine. 

You can't tell her the real reason. Do not. Just lie, isn't it easy? you do it everyday.

"I-uh I really liked her, she made me feel cool-yup cool." I chuckled, nervously knowing I just blew that off. 

"Right," She nodded, unsure. 

"Alex" She started but stopped, leaving me to be curious. 

"Nevermind," She continued. 

"Whatever," I scoffed. 

"What?" She asked. 

"Well, you make me seem so bad, I'm really not." 

"I know you're not, but you aren't really a saint either." 

"Oh yeah," I scoffed. 

"Cause, I drank once in my life." I continued. 

"That's not all. My gosh, Alex, you have to understand. You've done things I know you regret."

"Yeah? And what's that?" 

"Dating her!"

"True." I shrugged. 

"See! You aren't even trying to deny it."

"Why should I?" 

"You're impossible!"

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