• T w e l v e •

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Alex's P.O.V 

Walking into the house with Abigail hand in hand was weird. The strongest stare I got was from my dad, when he saw me walk in with Abigail and my mother in the front of us, he thought we had found my long lost daughter. 

"Who's this?" My dad came up to me and asked as he looked down at Abigail, she just smiled up at him. 

"My name is Abigail!" She balanced herself on her heels.

"Hello, Abigail," He bent down to her level after pulling up his pants a little.

"My name is Johnny." He stuck his hand out for her to shake. She shook it.

"Hello! You have a beautiful wife."

My dad smiled at that and looked up at my mom, "She really is beautiful, isn't she?" My mom parted her lips in awe, and smiled. Their relationship was like that, some times they could go for days without truly talking to one another but after that they'll love each other like no other. It was cute, it just worried me some times. I know it always hurts my mom. 

"Alex found Abigail in the library alone, so we decided to bring her home for her safety," My mom explained as she looked around the room. 

"Well, sweetheart, would you like anything to eat?" Grandpa Dale asked as he came around from the kitchen. 

She looked at me, "Could you come with me, please?" When I nodded she smiled and we walked toward the kitchen. 

"Are you allergic to anything?" I asked her as I gathered bread and Nutella. 

"Nope! If it doesn't bother you, could you make me a Nutella sandwich please," I nodded as I began making it. I made two, one for me and one for her; and if she was still hungry later I'd make her another one. 

Mom entered the kitchen when Abigail and I were in the midst of laughing of a joke she made. 

"Abigail, sweetheart, since your father has yet to call me, it's fine by us for you to sleep over tonight." 

Abigail shook her head, "No, please, you guys don't have to worry about me. I can go back home." 

I spoke out before anyone else could, "Abigail, there's no way we'd let you go on your own. We honestly don't mind having you here. Don't bother coming up with an excuse. We can have a sleepover, you and me. We can make S'mores, watch movies, whatever you want." 

"Really?" Her eyes brightened. 


She nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Mom asks her.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. It's just I've never done anything like this. It's all new to me."


It's around 11 P.M and Abigail and I are in our 3rd movie. We're currently watching Moana. 

"Who's your favorite princess?" I asked her as I grabbed a handful of M&M's. 

"Belle! I love that she reads, and since I love reading, I want that library so bad. I also love that she never judged a book by its cover. You know, like she fell in love with the beast," She's adorable. 

"Do you have a favorite princess?" She asks me. 

"I like Belle as well, but Jasmine is number one. She was powerful, she proved to everyone that women don't need men, they just need their self." 

"You're weird. I've never heard a guy say that," She told me wrinkling her nose. 

"Well, I'm not like other guys," I stayed serious for a second, but we both ended up laughing at our attempt to being serious. 

"You look sad," Abigail said out of no where 5 minutes later. 

"I'm alright, just thinking about a lot of things," I rubbed my head, sighing. I miss her. 

"Well, if you want to talk, I'm here, might seem weird since I'm a lot younger. Just remember I'm very mature for my age." 

What a sweet girl. I felt for her honestly. If only I could make her feel better about her shitty-ass parents. 


"It's just a girl I'm in love with." 

"Yeah? What about her?" 

"I don't know what to do. I feel so confused- so lost." 

"Go get her. No matter what. Don't let her get away, if you do you're going to regret it." 

"How do you know so much about this?" 

"Cause my dad let my mom go. He didn't fight for her. For them." She sighed as she ate a piece of chocolate. 

"Wow. I'm sorry about that. You deserve more, Abby, don't worry you're going to be very happy in your near future." I brought her in for a small hug.

She just smiled at me shaking her head. 

"I'll be fine. I'll go to bed now so you can go see your girl." 

I looked at her in shock. "I'm not going to go see her, it's too late." 

"Tomorrow is even later," 

"Goodnight, Alex," She waved and walked toward the guest room. 

I'm gonna go get my girl. 


"When life gives you an opportunity take it! No matter what. Go and achieve your goals. Go get your person. Because life goes on fast and can take them away from you in a blink of an eye." 


HIIII, loves!! How have you all been? Hopefully well. I've missed you all dearly. School has started and I regret the classes I chose, I'm not smart enough to do these classes online. ANYWAYS! How is everything? Did you like this chapter? I hope you did! Took me a while. I've deleted and re-written this chapter like 6 times.

I love you all!! Xoxo, Zoey ❤

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