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                          Alex's P.O.V

"What? How can that be?" I asked, hurt.

"Sorry, Son. But, she left early this morning."

"But, it's only 7!" I tried to fight back.

"No no no no." I murmured to myself.

"This isn't the way it was supposed to go. No, I was supposed to come here, tell her I love her, and ask her out." I continued, banging my head against the palm of my hands.

"Son, calm down. I'm sure you'll get to talk to her soon. She just came home last night and said she needs to leave. And, so I booked her a flight." He reasoned.

"No," I whispered, hurt. Looking away before the tears that my eyes were threatening to leave actually leave.

"She'll be back in no time."


No time. Right.  Like I haven't thought of her throughout the whole trip. We have been at my grandparents house for the past 4 days. 4 freaking days I've been thinking of her non-stop. Non-freaking-stop.

She corrupted my mind. She was like a drug I was addicted to. The type a person always depends on- when they're sad, happy, angry, lonely- she was that type of drug, but she came in human form.

This beautiful 5'4, brunette, tan, fashionista, smart, kind, like-able, woman that I love.

Yeah, you're in love with her.

I smiled. I guess I am.

"So, who has got my grandson corrupted?" Grandpa Dale comes up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulder. 

I look at him shaking my head, while laughing through the pain. "No one, your man is still single," I point to myself. 

"Right," He pretends to believe me for a second, then continues, "I'm not stupid, Son, I know there's a girl. Your face shows it all. I was the same way, I always had the same face on, when I fell in love with your Grandma Mer. So, tell me what has this girl done to corrupt you like this?" He tells, reminiscing about his past with Grandma Mer. 

"Eh, I see you Grandpa," I said with my best Canadian accent, and playfully shoved him. 

"Nu- uh, boy, I may be old, but, I ain't stupid. Stop trying to change subjects!" He shakes his head. 

"Fine, I guess. There's this girl-"  I start, but get interrupted by Grandpa. "There always is," 

"Anyways, there's this girl, Sophie, and I really like her, she's so beautiful. Grandpa, when I say she's so beautiful, she's drop dead gorgeous. She has long brown hair, she's tan, she has these gorgeous brown eyes, she isn't short but she isn't tall either, she wants to study fashion, and Gramps, let me tell you, she's freaking amazing at it." I smiled talking about her. 

"I could tell you really love her." He commented.

"I really do, the only problem is I kissed her, and we kissed a bit more, and then she left. We couldn't even talk. The next morning, very early, I went to her house to talk to her, but, she already left. She went somewhere and her dad won't tell me where. That was the day we drove here. I just wish we could've talked. I would've been okay with just knowing we're okay. Not left in the dark." I explained, rubbing my exhausted face

He pats my shoulder, "Son, in all good time, she will come around. And you'll be okay again. But, you shouldn't hurt yourself over her. Because, that'll only make everything worse. She probably left to take time for herself, to make sure she doesn't say anything wrong and to tell you her actual feelings. Girls are confusing, guys say. Just like guys are confusing to girls. You obviously can't force someone to love you. But, you can show them a way to love you. A way for her to open up and fall in love with you. But, honestly guys and girls could not be confusing to one another if you guys don't lead each other on, if you guys are up front and actually spilling facts. Not pranks, not lies, not cheating; you have a great, strong, healthy friendship, or relationship... if you want more."

I looked at Grandpa and awe. "Damnnnnnn, Gramps! You be spilling facts! Wow! Is that how much you love Grams?"

"Yeah, I love that woman!" He exclaimed.

"I aspire to be like you and dad one day with the love of your lives," I replied.

"Well, buddy, you'll get to experience it one day. Don't you worry. And until that day comes, you just work on yourself. Why don't you go this party that your Aunt Lauren is going to. You guys haven't hung out in a while."

"Uhhh... no offence, Gramps, but, I don't think Aunt Lauren would want me to go with her to a party." I tried reasoning with him.

"Well, you thought wrong. I'd love for you to come with me, Carson can't come cause he's coming up with a cold and I'd love to have my nephew with me." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and was met with Aunt Lauren smiling.

"Okay, sure, why not?" I agreed.

"Atta boy," Gramps smiles and shakes my shoulder.

"Alright, huh, the party starts at 9. So, you could start getting ready a little before then." Aunt Lauren then turns to Gramps.

"Hey, dad, I love you," She bends down, smiles, and kisses Gramps forehead.

"I love you too, Pumpkin," He smiles.

"Thanks, Grandpa. Honestly, you're the best. No wonder dad got better after his ex hurt him." I explained.

He smiled. "Go have fun," He throws his hand out and chuckles.

I smile shaking my head and I nod.

Just because you're older doesn't mean your wise. It depends on what you've been through to develop the wiseness. There could be kids younger than you who are wiser cause they've experienced more. Keep that in mind."

Hey loves!!!! How did you like this chapter? I hope you guys liked it! So, my bus was like an hour late so I was able to write this whole chapter. Which is crazy but amazing. Anyways, love you guys! Hope you had/ have an amazing day or night.

-Xoxo, Zoey! ❤

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