Chapter 9 - The Fight

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Andys POV

She just walked off... does she not like us? I just wanted to be her friend. She always sits alone at lunch. Always sits at the back of the class. She's always so lonely except on the occasions where she'll hang out with this girl named Skyler. I really hope she's okay. I'm not a stalker I swear. There's just something different about her...

I start hearing a woman's voice speaking louder and louder.
"Andrew? Andrew, are you okay? School ended three minutes ago."

"H-Huh? What?" I look up from my desk. It's the teacher.

"Class ended a while ago haha. You're free to go."

"Oh shoot. Yeah I'm fine thanks." I say as I grab my books and stuff them into my bag. "Bye Mrs."

I walk out and walk towards the courtyard to meet my crew. On my way there, I notice a crowd in the hall. It's not unusual to see people in big groups after school but this crowd was pretty big. Like as if there was a fight...

There's someone trying to break into it. Wait, that's Rye trying to get in! What if it's one of the boys!?

I sprint towards it and I spot a girl getting shoved into the lockers. She looks like she's about to faint!

I shove past people to get a front view of what's happening. That girl... it's Ashley! Holy shit!

The boy grabs ahold of her shirt and throws her to the ground. I immediately run and kneel down next to her. I wrap my arms around her body as I examine her face. How the fuck did she get into a fight!? She never struck me as a girl to fight.

I see her mouth mumble quiet words as she takes a small glance at me and blacks out. Fuck fuck fuck! I pick her up and see Rye in the corner of my eye. Rye grips the bully's collar and punches him in the jaw. The bully's face falls to face my direction and I get closer to him.

"Don't you ever DARE mess with her again or there will be worse consequences. Do you understand!?" I say in a stern voice and he doesn't respond.


He gives a slight nod and Rye drops him down.

Rye looks at me and then at Ashley. "We need to go. Now."

I nod in agreement and start pushing through the crowd again to get out.

Rye and I run to the parking lot and go to my car. I open the door and set her down in the passenger seat. Now I get a really good look at her. She has a busted lip, bloody nose, and bruises near her eyes and jaw. There might even be more in other places that aren't currently visible to Rye and I. Fuck, what happened?

"She passed out when he threw her on the floor... why? What happened?" I look at Rye, hoping he knows some answers.

"I-I don't know. I was walking to the courtyard, where we usually all meet up at, and I just saw a group of boys around her. She seemed uncomfortable so I suspected they were causing her trouble. I tried my best to run to her as quick as possible but by the time I got to the crowd, he was already throwing punches at her. I'm sorry I couldn't reach her in time."

"It's okay, Rye. I'm going to take her to my house and clean her up. I just can't comprehend how or why this would happen. I- Rye, there's blood coming out of your nose."

He wipes his nose with his sleeve.
"Honestly me neither. I'll go tell the boys what happened. Make sure she's okay and doesn't have blood or marks anywhere else. Text us if anything happens. Bye mate."

"I will, Rye. Bye."

I get in my car and watch as he runs off. There was people staring at us. We, without a doubt, attracted some attention toward ourselves. I turn my head to look down at Ashley.

"You'll be okay, I promise." I turn the car on and back out of the parking lot.

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