Chapter 17 - McDonalds

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Andy's POV

It's been a few hours after the unexpected and dangerous incident at her house. The solar systems bulb of light has lit up the city since then. The beautiful colors of red, orange, and yellow knitted a blanket over the coal-colored sky.

I haven't been able to sleep at all since I was awaken at four in the morning. It's not like I would be able to sleep even if I had the chance, anxious thoughts about her physical state would keep me awake.

I'm sat down on a chair next to a hospital bed. Ashley's hospital bed in fact. She was immediately rushed inside the hospital just in case she was seriously injured. The office staff forced me to stay in the waiting room for about an hour even though it felt like three so they could closely examine any injuries.

After explaining to the doctors many times that I was a very close friend of hers, they finally let me into the room. I probably overwhelmed them with questions about her, many of which they said they couldn't give me the answers to for privacy reasons. They did say she would be in here until tomorrow morning at least because she was lucky not to have any major injuries.

She hasn't woken up from her sleep since the ambulance took her in. I hold her warm hand in my hands as I listen to the beeping of the monitor. Beep... beep... beep... she must be really worn out after that.

The police held me back from trying to step inside her house. I can only imagine what happened in there. The booming gunshots I heard almost made me lose immediate hope until I saw her come through the door with one of the policemen. I tried to run to her, but the cops said not to just incase she was injured, so I was held back.

My stomach growls loudly, begging for my mother's deliciously cooked breakfast I would usually eat around this time in the morning. I stand up from my seat as I let go off her hand.

"I'll be back." I say to Ashley before I leave the room and close the door.

I make my way down the off white colored hallways, passing by nurses and doctors as I try to find the elevator to go downstairs.

After walking through what seemed like a maze in the building I finally find the metal doors that can take me down to the floor level.

I push the down button and the doors open with a ding. I step in and push the button to the ground floor as the doors close. I get that weird feeling in my stomach as the elevator reaches the ground. The doors open and cold air hits my face as I walk into the lobby.

It's a beautiful place really. Not too small but not too big either. Nice and sturdy oak wooden benches here and there, fake potted plants right next to them, and white tiled flooring with occasional black tiles.

I walk out the automatic opening glass doors and step into the bright spring day. I walk along the sidewalk trying to find a nearby place where I could pick up some food. The breeze ruffles through my hair as I look up at my surroundings and spot a fast food restaurant a couple buildings down.

My phone buzzes and I reach to grab it from my back pocket. A call from Sonny.

I hold the phone to my ear as I answer it.
"Hey mate, you all up already?"

"Yeah, your mum made us all breakfast. Where are you? She's worried." Sonny speaks as I can hear conversations in the background between the others.

"I've been at the hospital for a while with Ashley, and I think I'm going to get some McDonalds right now. Maybe like a hash brown and chicken nuggets mmm..."

"McDonalds? For breakfast?"

"CAN WE GO GET SOME MACCIES TOO? PLEASE SONNY PLEASE?" Brook shouts in the background.

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