Chapter 16 - I'll Never Forget You, Andy

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Andy's POV

The loud ringing of my phone awakens me from my slumber. I pick up my phone from beside me and the contact name surprises me. A wave of panic washes over me as I answer it and pat around the area I thought she would still be on.


"A-Andy! I'm so sorry, please help-" I hear a panicked voice say. Her voice is full of fear and it sounds like it's going to break at any moment. Loud banging noises are in the background which starts to scare me even more.

After that, the call ends.

"Ashley? Ashley!"

I try calling back but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Mateee. Go back to sleep." I hear Jack groan sleepily in the darkness.

I feel panicked and have a deep feeling that she's in trouble.

"I-I'll be back!"

I jump up and run towards the front door, accidentally stubbing my foot into the corner of a wall.

"Ow fuck!"

I continue to hastily make my way to the door in the pitch black darkness. I twist the knob and the door swings open. It's unlocked. I should've heard her leave! Am I that deaf!?

I lock the front door and run into my car. After getting the car started I immediately reverse from the driveway and start driving.

I try my best not to think of the worst case scenarios but my mind doesn't seem to cooperate with me. What if she gets hurt? What if the same thing with her cousin happens with her mom or dad? Maybe I should call the police. This can't happen anymore. I'm scared for her. Please be okay Ashley, please be okay.

I continue driving and dial the number for the police on my phone.

"What's your emergency?"

"M-my friend is in danger. Her parents abuse her and right now she is not safe. She called me earlier asking for help but the call ended. I'm afraid something bad is happening to her. I'm driving to her place right now. Please, please help her!" I'm trying my best to keep my composure and not break down.

"Calm down. They'll be on their way after you answer a few questions. Tell me your name, her name, and the address."

"M-my name is Andrew Fowler, a-and her name is Ashley. I don't know her last name."

"That's okay, just tell me the address and help will be on the way."

I tell her the address while almost accidentally exceeding the speed limit.

"Okay, help is on the way. They'll be there in about five minutes. I'll stay on the line until they get there. Be careful on the road."

"O-okay, thank you so much."

I put my phone on speaker and place it in an empty cup holder. A couple minutes later I arrive to the front of her house and I start hearing loud, muffled noises from inside.

"I-I'm at her house."

"Don't go inside until the police arrive." The woman on the phone commands.

"B-but she's getting hurt!" I get out of my car.
"Listen to me. She's probably scared for her life that her dad or whoever might beat her again! I'm not standing around for that bullshit! I am not going to wait around because the damn police are too slow! This is unacceptable!"

"I know it pains you to be in this situation, Mister Fowler, but you need to try to calm down. I know you and her must be very close and you care for her very much. The police should be there very soon. We don't want anything to happen to you too."

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