Chapter 15 - Ashley's Mistake

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Ashley's POV

Darkness is the first thing I see when I open my eyes. The only light source is from the slight moonlight seaming through the curtained windows, falling onto the floor.
There's a soft cotton blanket overlaying my body and I seem to be cuddled into something warm.

I'm still not fully awake yet and I don't remember where I am. I start running my hands around my area to try to remember my location. My right hand seems to land on someone's knee and I slightly jump. At this moment, I remember I'm at Andy's house. I fell asleep on him during the movie. I blush and stay cuddled into him for a few more seconds.

I knock myself out of my short daze and start feeling curious about the time. I grab my phone out of my pocket to check the time.
I see a message from my stepdad a few hours ago.

Stepfather - Get home right now or I'll come and find you.

That was 10 hours ago... IT'S ALMOST THREE IN THE MORNING! NO! NO, IT CAN'T BE! I CAN'T STAY HERE! I NEED TO GET HOME! NOW! I'm going to be six feet under...
I turn on the flashlight setting on my phone and carefully point it around the room, making sure the others aren't awake.

Jack's still laying across the same long couch with one of his legs dangling off along the side.
Rye seems to have moved to the couch where Sonny and Brook were because they all seem to be cuddling. Rye is laying flat on his back, directly on the couch. Sonny is on top of Rye, laying on his stomach whilst hugging him. Brook's position is somewhat similar to Sonny's while hugging the dark-haired boy.

I silently awe at the scene until my number one priority pops back into my head. I slowly position the light towards Andy. Thank god he's asleep. I wouldn't want him to do something stupid like try and stop me.

I slowly rise up from the couch, being extra careful not to wake Andy. I point the flashlight around the room, trying to locate the door out of the house. I start to tip toe and move slowly to not make any noise. I aim the light in a slight angle at the floor so I don't clumsily manage to step on something.
Table, chair, wall, bingo! There's the main entryway! I start to maneuver myself to the door without making any sort of sound.

I turn back to the darkness for a moment.

"I'll miss you."

I click the lock on the door and entered the dark and starry night.

— — — — — —

The streets were vacant. Lit lamps from some of the houses glowed brightly, making it easier to see. The moonlight shone down on me as I walked along the sidewalk.

I get to the end of the street and there are two ways to go from here. I should've been paying more attention when Andy was driving! The sounds of crickets chirped loudly in the bushes. I grab my phone out of my pocket to use it's GPS. It's about to die! Just my luck. I'll use it anyways, to at least get somewhere close to my house. I turn left and continue to follow the directions given by my phone.

I start walking in the dark and lonely night. I've never really been one to go outside at night and I never liked being alone in the dark. I start feeling paranoid and jump every time I hear a random noise.

I pass by a fenced off backyard and dogs start barking loudly, making me jump and run away.

I continue walking, hearing the honking and engines of cars from nearby streets.
I hear a snap from a tree branch behind me and I immediately turn around. Nothing but a snapped in half branch on the floor. I hope that it was just a squirrel or something and I continue following the directions from my phone.

Finally after 15 minutes of crossing random streets and main roads, I'm at a location where I am familiar with. I turn my phone off and make my way home.

One more street to cross, I can already see my house. All the lights are off, including the outside lights. Hopefully they're asleep then.

I feel a shiver down my spine when I hear footsteps behind me. I start sprinting across the street as fast as I could. The footsteps seem to be getting louder and louder.
"Where are you going!?" I hear a mans voice yell.

I don't answer, I just keep running. My heart is racing and I can barely breathe. I trip on my own foot and fall on the hard concrete. I tried to catch myself but that led to the feeling of small sharp pebbles piercing through my pants and on my hands. I quickly get up despite the pain I feel. My vision is starting to get a little blurry but I manage to make it to the front door of my house. My breathing is extremely heavy and it's hard to think straight. I grasp the key from my pocket and struggle unlocking the door. He's only a few yards away.
Finally the door opens and I run in and slam it shut, immediately locking every lock on it.

I deeply inhale and cough a couple times. There's a smell of smoke in the air. They must've been smoking again.

Already knowing the house very well, I start making my way upstairs in the dark until I feel a big hand grip tightly around my arm. I freeze in place, scared to make any sort of movement. The smell of smoke is so strong that my nostrils start to burn.

"We said you were grounded and not allowed to leave your room. Then you left with a boy! A BOY! YOU ALWAYS DISOBEY US! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" My stepdad's voice yells. I flinch from the level of his voice.

"I hate that I have to call you my daughter. All you ever are is a worthless dumb piece of shit!"

The sharp pain of his cigarette butt digs into my upper arm. I start to yelp but he covers my mouth before any noise comes out. Tears start escaping my eyes from the pain.

"Shut up, slut. Try anything like that again and you'll be locked in the closet."

I let out muffled sobs into his hand and he slaps my cheek.

"Disgusting." He grabs my hair and arm and drags me up the stairs.

"P-please stop..." I manage to whimper out. My scalp is aching and I'm starting to get a headache.

"Stop? Stop what!? HOW ABOUT YOU STOP BEING SUCH A BAD CHILD AND RESPECT YOUR DAD!?" He throws me against the stair rail.

I use all my strength to stand up. I look him straight in the eyes, my eyes full of hatred. "YOU ARE NOT MY DAD AND YOU NEVER WILL BE! MY LIFE WAS SO MUCH LESS SHIT BEFORE YOU RUINED IT!"

I quickly pace up the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet and run into my room, quickly locking my door. I run into my dark closet and take out my phone while shaking. As much as I don't want to bother him, something is telling me I have to tell him.

I hesitantly type the number keys with trembling fingers and lift my phone to my ear. The phone rings and I start silently praying. "Please answer, please answer, please answer." I say so quietly it's barely even classified as a whisper.

The call is answered from the other line.
"A-Andy! I'm so sorry, please help-"

My phone dies and the call ends.

"Stupid phone!" I slam it down on the floor next to me.

I hear loud banging on my door to my room. My whole body is shaking with fear. I pull my knees to my chest and bury my face in my arms. I'm bawling my eyes out, choking every once in a while. The banging of the door is in sync with the pounding of my head and my eyes are in agony.

"P-please Andy..." my voice gets progressively quieter. "Please."

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