Can he save her before the end.

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all rights reserved, sexual content.

Chapter 1

Its Wednesday today the wost day of the week, some call it hump day, just getting over the middle of the week, but I call it the worst day of my life. The walls are all white in every room in this building, it  pretty much dulls everything, I can feel the white soft lien slide against my leg, the cold metal bars against my skin keeping me cool, you could probably guess where I am, a hospital, I never liked these places, it always reminded me of my mum she died in a hospital bed, she had cancer and it was to late for her, and now waiting for a response, I watch the doctor talk to my aunt Leila she has always been here for me when my mum left and when my dad left my mum when he found out she was pregnant with me. She practically raised me, and now I’m 23 and I have my own house, I live alone, arty Leila cheeks up on me with phone calls all the time, I keep telling her I’m fine and happy, but I know she can see right though my act, but I still do it anyway why bother, so I have been sick for awhile now and I thought I was just sick, just the average flu, but apparently its much more then that, the view looks bad from here as I stare at them out the window, my aunt looks upset, and when she gets that look on her face I know its something bad, she’s yells, oh this is embarrassing, if only I could here them, they both look at me, both with strained faces, now I know something’s wrong, and know I think back to when my mum was around and she used to tell me you can look down for your mistakes or you can look up and make something of them, I did a lot of rebellious things, but I was pushed to do them, I guess I just fell for everything everyone said, till I thought better of myself and started to pick everything up again.

“so ms Shayne, I regret to tell you some bad news, it is very un fortunate”, now I know its really bad, Leila cant even keep her tears from slipping down her face, so much foe being strong for me. “ok just get it out so I can get out of here”, the doctor looks at me strange, “ms Shayne”, call me Natalie I said. “Ms Shayne, you are dyeing”, ok so he said it straight out, looking at their faeces tells me their waiting for me to comprehend IM DIEING, I look up at them” so what elas is new then. Aunt Leila lets out a sob, standing by the bed she holds me hand and gives it a squeeze, “tell her why” she said, “you are dyeing from lack of blood”.

Well wouldn’t it be smart to put some back In me I thought, wait and hares the catch I just know its coming, “you don’t have very long to live, no one has your blood type, their for we can not put any blood into you, because it will back fire causing you to die quicker, “ how long do I have” I ask,  “6 weeks at most, but you will become more weaker, we suggest that you stay here, so we can keep tabs on your vital sings”. Now I say nothing, even my mind is blank, how can I possibly be dyeing from lack of blood I’m not wounded or anything how can I be losing it all, but I do not ask, I just look out the window watching people walk past, visiting other people in the hospital, “ I would like to go home now”, I’m afraid that is not possible ms Shayne”, I try to stand up with all my strength looking like I can handle myself. “You can not keep me here I wish to die in my house, not in a hospital bed with white walls, you have no reason to keep me here, so I will be leaving and I will sign paper later when you send them to my house, I’m not wasting my dyeing time here, oh and thank you doctor,,,, doctor Blake for your help” I said, and walked out, into the cold night air it was damp against my skin, I breathed in a gulp of air, aunt Leila right on my tail following me to the car, she stops me at the car before I get in taking my hand,” you know you should really stay in the hospital, they could find your blood type some where or get a cue, pleas don’t do this to me, I need you.”, I squeezed her hand to reassure her I know what I’m doing, I look up at her she’s shaking a little bit, part from the cold and part from the so called devastating news that has not come so devastating to me, “ Leila I say in a rusty voice, I know this is hard for you, but the doc said it himself there is no one, I repeat NO ONE, with my blood type, so do not expect me to sit around and wait for a miracle that will not come for me, this is all I have left and I would like to spend that time doing things before I go.” She gives a slight nod. The drive home was quiet, I did not say a word all the way back to my house, my aunt parked her car in the long drive way up to my house, I sit their just looking at my place, my home so to speak, I live on an acre, my house is ordinary it suits me I guess, the beach is right on the other side, it’s a long way down, but a grate view from my house window, but when you walk out side to look over the edge of the cliff to the water, it’s a bit scary, I was always afraid of heights. “You know your mum was my best friend, but offcourse you know that, you look just like her, you often remind me of her, I know she would have been proud of you know matter what choices you make”, looking at my aunt I can see some of my mum, I guess you could say that we were all sisters in a way, “ goodnight, I love you and thankyou for everything” I turn to get out of the car and I here the other side of the car door open, not mine, I look back at her “ what are you doing Leila?” I said,  “I’m coming with you to watch over you for awhile”, I shake my head “ no I am all right, really, I just need some time to posses this by myself I need time do you understand?” she nodded and shut her door again, “ call me if you need anything at all, just call ok?” “I promise “ with that I headed the rest of the way to my house, once inside, the car lights had faded, she has gone.  A silent tear rolled down my cheek, then they all came, running up stairs to my room, I lay on my bed the red cotton touching my damp cool skin, I look at the average room, a bed side table next to me with my mums ring on it, sliding it onto my finger, I glance over to the alarm clock 9:30 it says, getting up I walk in to the bathroom and turn the water on cold, standing their, it all hit me, the pain I feel in my body that can not be unleashed, the constant throwing up blood, that I did not mention to the doctor, because some part of me new that I was slipping away and I just wanted to ignore it and go on in life, looking down at my hands they have gone white from keeping them clenched, I punch the wall, cutting my knuckle i watch the water wash over the blood as it oozes out from beneath the cut, bruises start to show quickly, it’s a light colour but it will soon be dark, I’m really going to die, this is it, this is the end for Natalie Shayne. At least I’m out of that hospital that smells of death, steeping out from beneath the shower, undoing my jeans to slid them down and taking my top off, looking at myself in the mirror, the bruises that appear on my lower back I don’t even know where or how, a scar that never left, the only thing is left was the memory from when my mums ex boy friend used to beat me and then un pleasurable things to me. **** Walking out into the moonlight that soaks up my skin, I reach the edge of the cliff, I’m afraid, not just afraid of heights but afraid of death, but why not die now instead of dyeing later and slow, sobs start to come now, from fear and guilt for what I’m about to do, if I hit the rocks I die if I land in the water I will let myself drown.

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